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Ayurvedic Oil Massage

Ladies – Here Are 6 Ways To Have It All.

6 Ways To Have It All For many women today, it’s hard to find a moment to breathe, let alone take care of your health. Whether you’re working in the office or in the home, raising your children or caring for elderly parents — it’s a balancing act just to get through the day. Yet taking care of yourself and staying in balance mentally and physically is central to meeting all the demands of your family and career. “Women today have so many areas of life to attend to, it’s important that they set aside time to maintain their own health and happiness,” says Sankari Wegman, an Ayurvedic expert at The Raj Maharishi Ayurveda Health Spa in Fairfield, Iowa. A wife and mother of two young children, she herself juggles work, teaching and home life. Here she offers six simple suggestions from Maharish...

7 Healthy Habits To Improve Your Life

7 Healthy Habits To Help Improve Your Life One of the factors on how well we age is not determined by our genes but how well we live. Don’t believe this statement? A study published by the British Medical Journal demonstrates that we can reduce the risk of having a stroke by 50% by doing four simple things – being active for 30 minutes/day, eating 5 servings of fruit and vegetables, and avoiding excess alcohol and cigarettes. Even further, research consistently reveals that keeping unnatural routines can eventually weaken the body’s immune system and general wellbeing. Therefore, one way to promote health is to bring one’s routine into accordance with nature’s rhythm. Nature is characterized by regular cycles and a large part of being healthy is simply learning how to live in accorda...

How To Overcome Fatigue & Tiredness [CFS & Adrenal Fatigue]

How To Overcome Fatigue & Tiredness We tend to blame fatigue on a “too-busy lifestyle” and much of the time we’re right. However, if you feel tired all the time, it’s not something to overlook. According to the CDC, chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS, is a debilitating and complex disorder characterized by profound fatigue that is not improved by bed rest and that may be worsened by physical or mental activity. About one million Americans suffer from CFS. The challenge with chronic fatigue and extreme tiredness is that its root cause can often be challenging to trace. Due to its complexity, doctors often recommend a battery of tests to rule out possible causes; i.e. thyroid conditions, sleep disorders, depression, anemia, etc.  However, the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda has a practical appr...