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Ayurvedic Recipes

Amalaki – The Most Nourishing & Rejuvenating Herb

Amalaki – The Most Nourishing & Rejuvenating Herb According to Ayurveda, Amalaki is considered one of the most nourishing and rejuvenating herbs. In fact, Charak – the ancient scholar of Ayurveda states “of all the Rasayanas, Amalaki is revered as one of the most potent and nourishing; Amalaki is the best among rejuvenative herbs.” Amalaki is a strong natural antioxidant containing high levels of vitamin C and acts as a powerful immune strengthener. Amalaki is one of the best sources of natural vitamin C and contains 20 times more vitamin C than an orange. Amalaki is commonly known as Indian gooseberry or amla, and the Sanskrit name “Amalika” means ‘sour juice of the fruit’. Interestingly, despite all the health benefits, Amalaki is also commonly known as the “poor ma...

Three Phases Of Life – According To Ayurveda + Sweet Potato Pancake Recipe

  The Three Phases Of Life Ayurveda relates the five elements to three phases of life — Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The five elements dance through time and space and become the biological medial terms of Ayurveda: Vata, made up of ether/space elements; Pitta, the combination of fire with water; and Kapha, comprised of water and earth. These three “doshas” are describing qualities, tendencies, characteristics and attributes relative to the phases we all go through. Kapha The first phase begins with Kapha, the “Spring Type.” We all begin in the womb, a womb of sorts, and this environment is very watery. We establish the solidity of earth known as immunity. This happens from in utero and until the onset of puberty — traditionally from birth and until 15. The word “kapha” means to grow, to cr...

CUCUMBER RAITA ~ Simple & Delicious Dishes To Keep Cool This Summer!

  Simple & Delicious Dishes To Help Keep Cool This Summer! According to the teachings of Ayurveda, every aspect of our lives contrubutes to our overall health with seasonal changes being of great significance. The summer heat is reflective of the fiery element of pitta giving all the more reason to discover some delectable yummy and cooling dishes to help stay cool this summer. CUCUMBER RAITA Often a good meal for lunch on a hot summer day is basmati rice and mung dal kitchari. However, to bring about flavor you may also want to consider cucumber raita to help improve digestion and even help to cool down many spicy dishes. Ingredients: ·        1 small cucumber skinned and grated ·        1 teaspoon of ground fennel seeds dry roasted ·        ½ cup of plain yogurt ·        ¼ teasp...

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