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5 Simple Ways To Balance Kapha Dosha – Ancient Wisdom For Balance & Stability

  5 Simple Ways To Balance Kapha Dosha According to Ayurveda, there are three doshas called vata, pitta, and kapha. We can think of these three doshas as the guiding principles that keep all our bodily functions balanced and healthy. “Health results from the natural, balanced state of the doshas. Therefore, the wise try to keep them in their balanced state.” – Charak Samhita What Is Kapha Dosha?  Kapha, made up of the properties of earth and water, embodies structure and stability. Earth and water … slow, stable, down to earth, slow to anger, and easygoing! The Kapha-dominant take their sweet time, too. If you’ve heard the expression, “Slow and steady wins the race,” that’s a good example of Kapha. Kaphas may be slow to get going, but they are dependable and dedicated. At their health...

Aromatherapy – Essential Oils, Attars, & Incense

Aromatherapy – Essential Oils, Attars, & Incense We all know that pleasant smells are satisfying and delightful while nauseating smells irritate the mind. However, there is a growing body of research that points to the remarkable healing properties of essential oil. In fact, the ancient science of Ayurveda has long explained the deep connection that smell has upon both the brain and consciousness. Ayurveda explains further, that all aromatic substances have a well defined and therapeutic value. For example, depending on the essential oil – some will either stimulate or calm the mind, stimulate circulation, enliven prana, and even act as an aphrodisiac; plus so much more. Many people commonly think of “aromatherapy” as being that of scented candles, potpourri, and perfumes. ...