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Ashwagandha Milk

Ashwagandha Milk & Ghee – Strength Giving And Stamina Of A Horse

Ashwagandha Milk & Ghee – Strength Giving And Stamina Of A Horse Ashwagandha is a renowned ayurvedic herb that can act as both a tonic and a sedative. The name Ashwagandha translates to “smell of the horse” which refers to the fact that fresh Ashwagandha root smells of horse urine! However, this meaning also relates to the strength, vitality and vigor of the animal, all qualities which Ashwagandha itself imbibes. As a popular rejuvenate herb – Ashwagandha is also an aphrodisiac, a nervine and has galactagogue properties. It helps strengthen the reproductive system, and when used with shatavari can help relieve sexual debility.  In excess it can increase heat in the body and so its use must be carefully monitored. Properties: Ashwagandha is a light and oily herb and has a bi...