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Manage Constipation Naturally

An Ayurvedic Take On Constipation: The 5 F’s

An Ayurvedic Take On Constipation: The 5 F’s Constipation. It’s not something that we like to talk about typically. Unless, of course, you happen to find yourself in the world of Ayurveda, in which case elimination is a frequent topic of conversation. Why? Because digestion is at the center of Ayurveda’s understanding of health and wellness, and elimination gives us a very good gauge as to the quality of digestion. Ayurvedic Digestive Supplements You are only as healthy as your digestion!! What Is Constipation?  According to Allopathic (Western) Medicine, the definition of constipation is an adult who has not had a bowel movement in three days or a child who has not had a bowel movement in four days. In Ayurveda we refine that definition considerably and look for at least...

Trikatu – The Digestive Herbal Formula

Trikatu – The Digestive Herbal Formula Trikatu is a formula combination of equal parts ginger, black pepper and pippali. The name trikatu means three peppers or the three pungents. It is a wonderful herb with strong digestive properties. It is particularly beneficial in kapha type disorders, such as, obesity, diabetes, asthma, coughing and congestion. It is a rejuvenative herb, especially regarding the lungs and also has carminative and diaphoretic properties. However, in cases with excess heat it is better avoided. It is also contraindicated in hyperacidity and pregnancy. When taken before food it will kindle appetite and after food it aids the digestive process. Trikatu Translating as “three pungents”, Trikatu contains the herbs pippali, ginger, and black pepper which i...