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Stress Reduction

How To Reduce Stress & Improve The Sense Of Wellbeing

  How To Reduce Stress  There is no event in life which is intrinsically stressful. However, stress by which we mean psychological stress may not be any more “real” than any other thought within the mind. Likewise, not all stress is considered equal and not all stress need be harmful. For example, it’s only natural to feel the excitement about an upcoming event [i.e. your wedding] while at the same time feel nervous. Interestingly, this motivated yet stressful state of the mind is sometimes referred to as eustress, or “good stress” which may be beneficial for meaningful and purposeful action. However, if this state of stress or heightened state of arousal goes unchecked – we often can feel stressed out! “Wherever a thought goes, a chemical goes with it.” – Deepak Chopra Tu...

7 Tips For A More Relaxing Evening – An Ayurvedic Evening Routine

7 Tips For A More Relaxing Evening It’s no big secret: for many of us, it’s extremely difficult to unwind — especially after a long day of answering emails, attending meetings, taking phone calls, taking care of kids or pets, and battling traffic on the way to and from our jobs. It seems increasingly difficult to find the “off” switch once we enter our personal sanctum — home, at the end of the day. The advent of technology and electronics that multitask our schedules is great in one way: they provide some efficiency and ease in checking off those ever-increasing priorities from our to-do lists. However, they can also spur a disconnect between mind/body/spirit, and aggravate Vata and Pitta — turning us into scattered, unfocused versions of ourselves (especially in the all-but-inevitable ev...

3 Tips For Healthy Living – Finding Balance From An Ayurvedic Perspective

3 Tips For Healthy Living The ancient science of Ayurveda has described health to be a state of perfect balance. Likewise, it’s very intuitive to acknowledge that this state of health and balance is brought about by maintaining a certain lifestyle in accordance with nature. Cause And Effect Although the world seems to be more unpredictable by the day – we know that disease often does not just appear from nowhere. Commonly, before any of the obvious signs and symptoms of disease appear there are often more subtle expressions of disease which are present – yet, unfortunately overlooked. In the same manner, if we were to come across a tree in the forrest we know with certainty that there was once a seed and fertile ground for that seedling to sprout and come to full bloom. So true...