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Delicious & Wholesome “Diamond Dates” Recipe

Delicious & Wholesome “Diamond Dates” Ayurvedic remedies, whilst effective, can sometimes be less than joyful to consume. There is no denying the benefits of triphala or trikatu yet tasting them is frequently the hardest step! And even the ‘sweeter’ herbs such as Ashwagandha or Shatavari can still be somewhat of a mouthful despite their effectiveness. When it comes to dates however, we can rejoice! Dates have tremendous health benefits and let’s face it, are just delights to the mouth! Although not exactly tridoshic (can increase kapha due to its heavy and sweet qualities) they can usually be paired with all sorts of foods and herbs to improve taste or efficacy. Organic Digest Tone (Triphala Plus)  Supports digestive system and elimination; assists body in absorbing nutrien...

Making Health Happen: 5 Simple Steps To Accomplishing Your Health Goals

  Making Health Happen There are ideals and there are realities when it comes to health. We almost all know how profoundly different our lives could be if we ate right, exercised regularly, and rested when required. But life happens. We have soaring, sparkling goals but our ability to follow-through can fall short – the realities of social gatherings, packed work schedules, and life-long less-than-ideal living habits make health a true hurdle. So the question stands, how do we make health happen without making ourselves inflexible or insane in the process? How do we find balance between holding ourselves accountable for necessary growth and transformation, and simultaneously allow space for spontaneity and enjoyment. Our reality is that what we set out to do isn’t always as easy to ac...

Endocrine Disruptors – A Reason For Weight Gain?

  Endocrine Disruptors – A Reason For Weight Gain?  Whether you’re trying to lose a lot weight or just shed a few extra stubborn pounds, do you ever wonder why getting the scale to go down often feels like an uphill battle? “We’re finding that weight management is much more complex than just energy-in versus energy-out,” says professor Jennifer Kuk who is a professor of health science at York University in Toronto. According to a study published in the journal Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, the researchers hypothesize that environmental factors, such as our food, chemical-filled personal care products, and increased stress, may play a major role in why we’re heavier now [compared to the 1970’s] when all other factors are the same. “Maintaining a healthy weight is impo...

7 Healthy Habits To Improve Your Life

7 Healthy Habits To Help Improve Your Life One of the factors on how well we age is not determined by our genes but how well we live. Don’t believe this statement? A study published by the British Medical Journal demonstrates that we can reduce the risk of having a stroke by 50% by doing four simple things – being active for 30 minutes/day, eating 5 servings of fruit and vegetables, and avoiding excess alcohol and cigarettes. Even further, research consistently reveals that keeping unnatural routines can eventually weaken the body’s immune system and general wellbeing. Therefore, one way to promote health is to bring one’s routine into accordance with nature’s rhythm. Nature is characterized by regular cycles and a large part of being healthy is simply learning how to live in accorda...

The Ayurvedic Guide For The New Year – New Year’s Resolutions

The Ayurvedic Guide For The New Year  With the New Year slowly nearing and with the holiday season already upon us, many of us are reevaluating some of our own personal life choices. The New Year has always provided a perfect opportunity to look back at the past and more importantly, to look forward to the coming year. According to ancient teachings of Ayurveda, every aspect of our life contributes to our overall health and well-being. In essence, Ayurveda considers good health as being a state of balance. By obtaining this unique state of balance and well-being we can resolve nearly all the common New Year’s Resolutions. Top New Year’s Resolutions 1. Eat Healthy 2. Lose Weight 3. Stress Less 4. Improve Relationships New Year Message From Sadhguru – Come Alive 1. Eat Healthy How you ...

Easy And Healthy Ways To Lose Weight

Easy And Healthy Ways To Lose Weight From an Ayurvedic standpoint, weight gain occurs as a result of excess earth and water elements in the body. This creates sluggish/weak digestion which leads to low metabolism. Signs and symptoms associated with obesity include lethargy, breathlessness on exertion, excess sweating, excess thirst as well as weight gain. Usually the etiological factors of obesity are due to poor diet and lifestyle choices. The typical American diet is extremely counterproductive in the maintenance of good health. Fried foods, excess salty and sweet foods as well as sodas have become a part of the ‘norm’ in todays society. The use of ice in drinks and the popular usage of frozen foods has also contributed to the rising levels of obesity. There are some simple ayurvedic rec...

Triphala – One Of The Most Famous Ayurvedic Formulas

Triphala – One Of The Most Famous Ayurvedic Formulas Triphala is one of the most famous of ayurvedic formulas. The name triphala literally means “Three Fruits” as it consists of equal parts amalaki, bibhitaki and haritaki. Triphala is an excellent herbal compound for the digestive tract, lungs, skin, and eyes and can also help as part of a weight balancing program. It is also a rejuvenative herb and its therapeutic action is believed to come from its possessing five of the six tastes. Tripahala has a mild laxative effect, however, it does not cause dependacy and thoroughly cleanses and detoxifies the digestive tract. Organic Triphala Plus Supports digestive system and elimination; assists body in absorbing nutrients; high-quality antioxidant; wide range of benefits. Good health depen...