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Weight Loss

Endocrine Disruptors – A Reason For Weight Gain?

  Endocrine Disruptors – A Reason For Weight Gain?  Whether you’re trying to lose a lot weight or just shed a few extra stubborn pounds, do you ever wonder why getting the scale to go down often feels like an uphill battle? “We’re finding that weight management is much more complex than just energy-in versus energy-out,” says professor Jennifer Kuk who is a professor of health science at York University in Toronto. According to a study published in the journal Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, the researchers hypothesize that environmental factors, such as our food, chemical-filled personal care products, and increased stress, may play a major role in why we’re heavier now [compared to the 1970’s] when all other factors are the same. “Maintaining a healthy weight is impo...

Shilajit – The Ayurvedic Mineral For Weight Loss Plus So Much More!

Shilajit –  The Ayurvedic Mineral Shilajit is a prominent mineral supplement used in many ayurvedic formulations. The name Shilajit implies victory that comes from this ancient rock and indicates its fantastically high mineral content. Shilajit is found mainly in the Himalayas, Altai and Caucasus mountain regions. It has been reported that Shilajit contains at least 85 minerals making it a highly sought after supplement for many conditions. Shilajit is a tonic and has diuretic, nervine and antidiabetic effects. It works as a rejuvenative to the urinary system and helps with weight loss by reducing adipose tissues in the body. It is also used in cases of sexual debility as it strengthens the entire reproductive system and has a cleansing effect in instances of excess tissue toxicity. ...