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Ayurvedic Lifestyle Tips

Simple Ways To Stay Cool This Summer

  Simple Ways To Stay Cool This Summer Summer is nearly here and for most, the arrival of this season marks the start of sweltering-hot weather. Ayurveda describes the summer heat as being “pitta-aggravating” which implies provoking the fire element within. It’s intuitive that the basic goal during summer is to stay cool so here are a couple ways to help beat the summer heat from an ayurvedic perspective. Buy Organic Ghee Online – Organic Ghee Pearl Of Wisdom: During the hot summer season, you may have noticed that your digestion is not as strong. That being the case you may want to consider ghee to help improve digestion and to also help cool the body. “Ghee is a pitta pacifying substance that is useful in summer and bitter ghee (called tikta ghrita) is especially cooling, as i...

An Ayurvedic Take On Constipation: The 5 F’s

An Ayurvedic Take On Constipation: The 5 F’s Constipation. It’s not something that we like to talk about typically. Unless, of course, you happen to find yourself in the world of Ayurveda, in which case elimination is a frequent topic of conversation. Why? Because digestion is at the center of Ayurveda’s understanding of health and wellness, and elimination gives us a very good gauge as to the quality of digestion. Ayurvedic Digestive Supplements You are only as healthy as your digestion!! What Is Constipation?  According to Allopathic (Western) Medicine, the definition of constipation is an adult who has not had a bowel movement in three days or a child who has not had a bowel movement in four days. In Ayurveda we refine that definition considerably and look for at least...

Turmeric – The Holy, Auspicious & Natural Healer

  Turmeric – The Holy, Auspicious & Natural Healer You probably know Turmeric as the main spice in curry. In fact, Turmeric is a common spice found in almost every kitchen in many Asian countries like India. It has a warm, bitter taste and is frequently used to add color and flavor to curry. Amongst its countless roles, Turmeric is widely utilized in Ayurvedic Medicine in treating allergies, immune conditions, liver diseases and neurologic disorders. Turmeric contains the chemical curcumin. Curcumin and other chemicals in turmeric decrease swelling and reduce inflammation. Because of this, turmeric is developing quite a reputation for treating conditions that involve inflammation. In other words, we are just now beginning to understand why Turmeric has always been considered...

Sacred Rituals – The Daily Routine [“Dinacharya”]

  Sacred Rituals – The Daily Routine Within time and space we humans exist here on a planet surrounded by unspoken graceful poetic moments like when we witness the rise and setting sun, the moon waxing and waning on a crisp lucid night and a baby’s first steps.  We are part of this eternal poetry where planets cycle around each other dancing in the sky and stars are birthed and reduced to ash after thousands of years. We are part of an infinite cosmos and within is exists a timeless inherent cosmic consciousness. Ayurveda takes all this into account as we traverse this terrain as spiritual beings in a human body.  Ayurveda, known as the “Science of Life, Art of Living and Science of Longevity” invites us all to really look at ourselves as a configuration of the...

The Social Media Detox – Yoga & Ayurveda Principles

  The Social Media Detox  By now, we are all aware that social media has a tremendous impact on our culture and the world-at-large. Social media has offered the wonderful opportunity for people to re-connect with their old friends and acquaintances. However, at the same time, has social media given us a false sense of connection? According to Cornell University professor, Steven Strogatz, social media sites can make it more difficult for us to distinguish between meaningful relationships we foster in the real world, and the numerous casual relationships formed through social media. By focusing so much of our time and energy on these somewhat less meaningful relationships, our most important connection, he fears, will weaken. “What’s on your mind?”, asks FB. We live in a world overrun ...

The Alchemy Of Bliss – “Soma”

The Alchemy Of Bliss –  “Soma”  We all want to be happy yet one of the most elusive questions which involves our day-to-day reality is “what does it mean to be happy?”. We also know that happiness is key for overall health and in one form or another we are all seeking it. Could it be that we are searching for happiness in all the wrong places? For many of us, happiness is in the next purchase – the bigger home, the nicer car, and the newer gadget. However, the teachings of Ayurveda explain that behind all these diverse pursuits is an aspiration for happiness at the core of our being. In other words, within each one of us resides a sense of bliss called “Ananda” which is lastingly satisfying, refreshing, and that which does not diminish nor die. Blissful Joy To help ...

Endocrine Disruptors – A Reason For Weight Gain?

  Endocrine Disruptors – A Reason For Weight Gain?  Whether you’re trying to lose a lot weight or just shed a few extra stubborn pounds, do you ever wonder why getting the scale to go down often feels like an uphill battle? “We’re finding that weight management is much more complex than just energy-in versus energy-out,” says professor Jennifer Kuk who is a professor of health science at York University in Toronto. According to a study published in the journal Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, the researchers hypothesize that environmental factors, such as our food, chemical-filled personal care products, and increased stress, may play a major role in why we’re heavier now [compared to the 1970’s] when all other factors are the same. “Maintaining a healthy weight is impo...

The Ayurveda Guide For Spring Season

  The Ayurveda Guide For Spring Season Spring is a time of new beginnings. This is a time when nature, once again, comes to life as flowers bloom, birds sing and people generally feel more energized. Often the first signs of spring, especially after a long cold winter, are described as God himself breathing new fresh life into his creation. In fact, Lord Krishna [in the Bhagavad Gita] explains when describing himself, “I am the Soul in the body, the mind in the senses, the eagle amongst birds and the lion amongst animals. Among all the trees I am the sacred bodhi tree, and of the season, I am spring.” More simply, spring is the king of all seasons. Similarly, Ayurveda is an ancient science of healthy living and takes into consideration the whole person. According to these teachings, e...

The Role Of The Ayurvedic Professional

  The Role Of The Ayurvedic Professional To some degree, we all are in need of healing. Similarly, to some degree – we all suffer. That said, the living and breathing science of Ayurveda acknowledges that the human body has an incredible ability to heal. Of course, there are times when healing is not possible. Of importance, the science of Ayurveda evolved from the contemplative minds of ancient seers for the intention to heal all of humanity. For thousands of years, these teachings were passed down from teacher to disciple. Fortunately, Ayurveda remains alive today and is more relevant now than ever before. Ultimately, Ayurveda helps to facilitate the inborn intelligence of the body so that the body may heal itself and once again become whole; i.e. wholesome & holy. “Be Rea...

Avoid Allergies While Transitioning Into Spring Season

  Transitioning Into Spring Season The transition between seasons welcomes a new change and this new change invites a different way of life from the old season by entering afresh into the next season. Spring is a season of growth and new potential. In fact, spring is considered the king of all seasons. Of relevance, in the Bhagavad Gita – 11th chapter, Krishna while stating his strength says, “among all the trees I am the sacred pippala [Bodhi tree] and of the season – I am Spring.” This is because spring is the season in which all of nature wakes up as the birds sing, flowers bloom, and people generally feel energized as we emerge from winter. In essence, spring is a time of growth and a time to begin a new lifestyle. However, before adapting to a new way of life, we must...

Can A “Raw Food” Diet Eventually Become Depleting?

  Can A “Raw Food” Diet Become Depleting? It’s no surprise that many people feel more energetic and more healthy when they initially shift from a diet consisting of heavily processed food to a raw diet. However, many raw food enthusiast have attested that over a period of time there is often a sense of ungroundedness that develops along with symptoms such as gas, bloating, constipation, insomnia, and eventually decreased vitality and even low libido. According to Ayurveda, digestion is the cornerstone of health and our health is determined not only by the foods we eat but more importantly our health is primarily determined by how well we digest, absorb, and assimilate our food. Even further, Ayurveda states that “ama” which is the by-products of poor digestion is considere...

“Prajnaparadha” – Is Ignorance The Root Cause Of All Disease?

  Is Ignorance The Root Cause Of All Disease? Man is a trinity of body, mind, and Soul and life as a whole is designed to promote human happiness, health, and growth. That said, the question naturally arises – what is the root cause of disease? According to Ayurveda, disease is often the end result of a long process and can actually be detected and addressed at the early stage of development; hence prevention being better than a cure. More simply, disease is an imbalance. Ayurveda explains that the disease process begins with disturbances in the balance of the doshas; i.e. bodily humors. “Health results from the natural, balanced state of the doshas. Therefore, the wise try to keep them in their balanced state.” – Charak Samhita   “Ignorance Is Not Bliss.” We email. We goog...

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