Ayurvedic Daily Routine – Oleation & Abhyanga Ayurveda takes pride in oleation therapy where we can apply oil to every part of our body, inside and out. As we enter into Vata Season we enter into a period of dryness and coldness. The quality is light and we can feel ungrounded. Due to the dryness and coldness the orifices, especially those that are exposed to the elements are susceptible to these qualities and become compromised causing various conditions and creating a forum for disease to start. The first line of defense of the body is the skin. It covers us from head to toe and lines all the orifices; eye, ears, nose, digestive tract from mouth to rectum. Ayurveda suggests that we keep these areas lubricated throughout the winter for our protection and immunity. Regula...
Autoimmune Conditions In essence, autoimmunity is when the body attacks itself. The function of the immune system is to help protect you from disease. However, when the immune system doesn’t function properly it can mistakenly identify your own bodily tissue as an invader and therefore mount an attack – the immune response! Main Factors Of Health … The concept of health according to the ancient science of Ayurveda is explained in terms of healthy digestion [agni], balanced doshas [vata–pitta–kapha], preventing ama [toxins], and preserving ojas [vital essense of life]. When all these factors are balanced then it’s said that the person will be strong, healthy, and live a long and happy life. “Let food by thy medicine and medicine thy food.”– Hippocrates Health...
Simple Tips For Healthy Digestion In Ayurveda, the oldest system of holistic medicine, perfect health begins with perfect digestion. Ayurveda speaks of Jatharagni (digestive fire), located in the stomach, as being the primary location where either health begins or disease. According to Ayurveda mostly all diseases start in the digestive system; this includes mind since the mind is transforming information by nature. The digestive fire is like the furnace in a house. If it’s not properly working then the house will suffer its consequences. Linked to digestion, according to Ayurveda, are all the other organs that are part of a sequential process that digests food and takes in the essence of food that nurtures every cell on every level, not just physical. 11 Simple Tips: 1. Eat 2-3 meals a da...
An Ayurvedic Purification Purge According to the ancient teachings of Ayurveda, there are three doshas called vata, pitta, and kapha. These three doshas act as the guiding principles that keep all our bodily functions balanced and healthy. “Health results from the natural, balanced state of the doshas. Therefore, the wise try to keep them in their balanced state.” – Charak Samhita Imbalanced Doshas Each of the three doshas are present throughout the body. They govern our physiology and all activities of the body, mind, and emotions. Ayurveda is a holistic science and recognizes that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. That said, when the doshas become imbalanced it affects the whole body. Likewise, when the doshas become aggravated by various factors such as poor diet, ...
Healthy Ayurvedic Recipes With all the winter holidays coming up, there is much temptation in the way of food and drink! Every supermarket and store is displaying holiday treats and the delicious aromas are enough to invite one to splurge. However, the following recipes will lessen the guilt that comes with indulgence. After all, using organic and doshic friendly ingredients will bring joy and contentment instead of the guilt of festive sweets. Enjoy! Ayurvedic Sooji Halwa All ingredients should be organic. Ingredients ½ cup of coconut oil or ghee 1 cup of semolina flour ½ teaspoon of cinnamon ½ teaspoon of cardamom 1 cup of whole milk 2 cups of filtered spring water ½ cup of raisins ¼ cup of sunflower seeds ¼ cup of pumpkin seeds ¼ cup of turbinado sugar In a saucepan boil ...