Disclaimer: All content included on this website (including, but not limited to, images, photos, graphics and text) is the property of ‘Healthy Ayurveda’ and ‘Vedic Sage’ and as such is protected by US and international copyright and other intellectual property laws. The Ayurveda Guide ~ Kapha Dosha Ayurveda recognizes that each human being is born with a unique balance and that this natural balance is responsible for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By recognizing and maintaining this unique balance, Ayurveda provides simple guidelines to help each person create his or her own state of ideal health. For now, we will discuss kapha dosha. When we think of kapha types we often think of loyal and compassionate individuals with a stable quality about them. This unique stability of...
Disclaimer: All content included on this website (including, but not limited to, images, photos, graphics and text) is the property of ‘Healthy Ayurveda’ and ‘Vedic Sage’ and as such is protected by US and international copyright and other intellectual property laws. The Ayurveda Guide ~ Pitta Dosha Ayurveda recognizes that each human being is born with a unique balance and that this natural balance is responsible for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By recognizing and maintaining this unique balance, Ayurveda provides simple guidelines to help each person create his or her own state of ideal health. For now, we will discuss the fiery nature of Pitta. The first thing which comes to mind when thinking of pitta is the brilliant blaze of fire. The primary function of pitt...
Disclaimer: All content included on this website (including, but not limited to, images, photos, graphics and text) is the property of ‘Healthy Ayurveda’ and ‘Vedic Sage’ and as such is protected by US and international copyright and other intellectual property laws. Vata Dosha Disease Process The concept of vata originates from the Sanskrit word “vyv” [vaya] which implies ‘that which moves things’. Eventually, vata began to be depicted as wind. In essence, vata is the principle and dynamic force which governs all movement. When vata is balanced it promotes great creativity, evokes feelings of freshness and lightness which springs forth the sense of happiness. When vata becomes imbalanced it then promotes dispersing qualities which can then make the mind and body vulnerable to a w...