Aromatherapy – Essential Oils, Attars, & Incense
We all know that pleasant smells are satisfying and delightful while nauseating smells irritate the mind. However, there is a growing body of research that points to the remarkable healing properties of essential oil. In fact, the ancient science of Ayurveda has long explained the deep connection that smell has upon both the brain and consciousness. Ayurveda explains further, that all aromatic substances have a well defined and therapeutic value. For example, depending on the essential oil – some will either stimulate or calm the mind, stimulate circulation, enliven prana, and even act as an aphrodisiac; plus so much more.
Many people commonly think of “aromatherapy” as being that of scented candles, potpourri, and perfumes. However, essential oils have long been derived from roots, leaves, bark, seeds, stems, fruits or flowers of herbs, plants, or trees which contain concentrated healing qualities. Attars are extracted through a process of distillation and then blended in a base of sandalwood essential oil. Both essential oils and attars are highly concentrated chemicals extracts of whole plant matter and therefore possess powerful properties.
Great Video – How Aromatherapy Works
Essential Oils & Attars
Essential oils are perhaps the most practical and most common means of aromatherapy. Certain oils – indicated by a qualified specialist can be applied directly onto the skin and is particularly effective if rubbed onto certain marma points. Special care must be considered as some essential oils may need to be diluted in order not to irritate the skin. Interestingly, certain oils have affinity to various structures of the body, influence certain doshas, used according to season, while taking into consideration one’s basic constitution and any underlying imbalances.
Vata Emotions [i.e. fear & anxiety]
Certain essential oils such as hina, amber, lavender, musk are beneficial in grounding the excess mobile qualities of vata dosha often experienced as fear and anxiety. Some essential oils to consider for pacify vata dosha:
- Amber
- Frankincense
- Hina
- Jasmine
- Jatamamsi
- Nutmeg
Worry Free Aroma Oil
This therapeutic aroma oil blend that includes patchouli, lemon and jasmine will help you unwind and create your personal oasis of calm.
Pitta Emotions [i.e. anger & irritability]
Similarly, essential oils such as sandalwood, khus, and rose help to pacify the fiery element of pitta which may express itself as anger and irritability. Some essential oils to consider for pacifying pitta dosha:
- Fennel
- Jasmine
- Khus
- Lavender
- Lemongrass
- Sandalwood
Cooling Pitta Aroma Oil
Cool off with this blend of sandalwood, ylang ylang, lavender and other essential oils. Perfect when you’re feeling hot and bothered, or when temperatures are soaring outside.
Kapha Emotions [i.e. dullness & boredom]
Lastly, essential oils such as eucalyptus, vacha, or hina help to provide stimulation when the heavy qualities of kapha lead to dullness and boredom. Some essential oils to consider for pacifying kapha dosha:
- Calamus
- Camphor
- Eucalyptus
- Neem
- Rosemary
- Tulsi [Holy Basil]
Stimulating Kapha Aroma Oil
Feeling run down and lethargic? Wake up with this invigorating aroma blend that includes eucalyptus, rosemary and frankincense. Ideal for cold, damp spring days.
Seasonal Considerations
Slumber Time Aroma Oil
If set up to diffuse a little before you go to bed, this enchanting blend of six pure essential oils will relax you for hours. Includes sweet orange, marjoram, lavender and jasmine.
Blissful Heart Aroma Oil
This formula is especially made for those sad times when you’re feeling low or have just forgotten what happiness feels like. This fragrant, uplifting blend that includes sandalwood, peppermint, lemon and thyme will help wake you up to the joy of life again.
Aromatherapy can also be used according to seasonal variations. For example, during the scorching heat of summer one may want to consider cooling essential oils such as sandalwood or khus.
The following is a list of cooling essential oil:
- Chamomile
- Jasmine
- Jatamamsi
- Khus
- Lavender
- Peppermint
- Rose
- Sandalwood
Instead, during the cold of winter, you may want to consider more heating essential oils such as hina, cinnamon or clove.
The following is a list of heating essential oils:
- Camphor
- Cinnamon
- Clove
- Hina
- Musta
- Nutmeg
- Tulsi [Holy Basil]
- Saffron
Quiet Electric Diffuser
This electric diffuser has larger pads for a stronger scent. It fills a 500-square-foot room with the aroma blend of your choice. Quiet — there’s no noisy fan, and it’s durable, lightweight, portable plastic.
Incense is aromatic element which releases fragrant smoke when burned. The term refers to the material itself, rather than to the aroma that it produces. Incense is used for a variety of purposes, including the ceremonies of religion, to overcome bad smells, repel insects, spirituality, aromatherapy, meditation, and for simple pleasure. Enjoy!
Suraj Brand Sandalwood Incense
Cooling for the mind and emotions, Sandalwood is the ideal herb to create a pure, spiritual environment for meditation.
The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained ayurvedic expert, call or e-mail us for the number of a physician in your area. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.