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Delectable And Delicious Rose Flavored Treats

Delectable And Delicious Rose Flavored Treats The beauty of the rose is seconded only by its healing properties. In Ayurveda the rose, more specifically the Damascus rose, is used for more than just perfumes. In foods it makes a delicious yet cooling accompaniment and as it has an affinity for the skin, it can also be used in a paste (lepas), along with sandalwood and fennel, to help in excess heat. As an essential oil it has nervine, antidepressant, antiseptic and aphrodisiac properties amongst others. In India a jam (Gulkand) is prepared using the rose petals and sugar. It is a simple recipe that involves layering of the petals and the sugar in a glass jar and leaving out in the sun for 10 days. Gulkand is a cooling and tasty treat to help balance the body during the summer months. Organ...

Shatavari – An Excellent Female Tonic

Shatavari – An Excellent Female Tonic Shatavari is a very popular pitta pacifying herb. It is referred to as  “the woman who has a hundred husbands” and thereby suggestive of its properties of being an effective female reproductive system herb. However it can elevate kapha but pacifies vata, so its use must be carefully monitored. It is a tonic and a nutritive and it is also has wonderful anti-inflammatory effects. As a rejuvenative herb, it is especially helpful in cases of female reproductive debility, stomach ulcers and dehydration. Contraindications include high ama, excess mucous and also breast cancer/ fibroid tumors. GREAT VIDEO ON SHATAVARI GHEE FOR WOMEN’S SUPPORT: By Dr Monica B Groover of San Diego College of Ayurveda Properties: Shatavari is a heavy and oily herb an...

Purifying The Mind With Pratyahara ~ A Yoga & Ayurvedic Approach

The conscious withdrawal of the senses or pratyahara is thought to help purify the mind Just as a healthy body can resist toxins, a healthy mind can ward off the negative sensory influences around it. In today’s modern times, most people suffer from sensory overload from television, cell phones, radio, computers, newspapers, magazines and books.  Society functions on stimulation through the senses. When we watch violent acts on TV etc. we are absorbing that into our system/mind and each impression has an impact on our mind, positive or negative. If one is easily disturbed by the noises and turmoil in their daily lives, then you may need to practice withdrawing your senses in order to help avoid paying too much attention to these disturbances. Indriya-pratyahara, or control of the senses, i...

Female Health: Amenorrhea [cessation of menses] – An Ayurvedic Perspective

Female Health: Amenorrhea – An Ayurvedic Perspective Amenorrhea is a condition characterized by the absence of menstruation.  This disorder is of two types – Primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea. If a girl has not menstruated by age 16 it is referred to as primary amenorrhea and can continue indefinitely. Secondary amenorrhea is characterized by the absence of 2-3 periods in a row in a woman who menstruates normally.  Pregnancy, lactation and menopause do not create the absence of menses. Etiological Factors To Consider:  There are many etiological factors in amenorrhea. It can be due to endocrine disturbances such as hyperthyroidism which can be due to increased vata and kapha. Increased kapha can manifest in hypothyroidism leading to primary amenorrhea. Other factors such as...

Turmeric “Golden” Milk ~ An Ayurvedic Elixir

Turmeric “Golden” Milk ~ An Ayurvedic Elixir It’s to no surprise to that turmeric has fast become a popular remedy for just about everything that ails you. Traditionally, turmeric milk has been used for conditions such as colds, congestion, headaches, and sore throats due to tumeric’s anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. What is more interesting is that Ayurveda [and other ancient systems of medicine] have used turmeric for health and wellness since for as long as historical records have existed.  Turmeric “Golden” Milk Is Extremely Simple To Make! – 1 cup of whole organic milk, preferably non-homogenized – 1/2 tsp of dried turmeric Turmeric – Helps Purify The Blood & Acts As An Antioxidant!! Turmeric is one of the oldest, most important spices k...

The Three Pillars Of Good Health ~ An Ayurvedic Perspective

The Three Pillars Of Good Health  There is nothing as important in life in making a radical change within the body, mind, and consciousness than establishing a healthy routine in daily life. Ayurveda is a science of good health. Its first objective is to preserve health of the healthy individual. Charaka [the founder of ayurvedic medicine] has summed up beautifully the whole technique of how to promote a healthy lifestyle in two lines. “Nityam hitahara-vihara-sevi samikshyakari vishayeshvasaktah Data samah satyaparah kshamavan aptopasevi cha bhavati arogah” – Charaka Samhita Translation: A person who practices regularly a wholesome lifestyle, eats wholesome food, is deliberate in all his actions, not involved in the objects of the mind [i.e. overindulgence in sense pleasures], who is...