Healthy Ayurveda

    Ayurveda Guide For Spring Season

    Spring is a time of new beginnings. This is a time when nature comes to life.
    This is a time when it begins to warm from the freezing cold of the previous w […]

  • Ayurveda Guide For Late Winter Season

    Ayurveda explains that whatever there is within the environment is also there within the human body and that such changes within the environment have an influence upon the […]

  • Healthy Ayurveda changed their profile picture 2 years, 8 months ago

  • Early Winter Season
    Hemanta [early winter] is a pleasant transition from the excess dryness of autumn.
    Hemanta provides unctuous & cold qualities into the atmosphere.

    “Whatever there is in the environment i […]

  • Healthy Ayurveda became a registered member 2 years, 8 months ago

  • Healthy Ayurveda wrote a new post 5 years ago


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    All content included on this website (including, but not limited to,  images, photos, graphics and text) is the property of ‘Healthy Ayurveda’ and ‘Vedic Sage’ and as such is protected by US and […]

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    All content included on this website (including, but not limited to,  images, photos, graphics and text) is the property of ‘Healthy Ayurveda’ and ‘Vedic Sage’ and as such is protected by US and inte […]

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    All content included on this website (including, but not limited to,  images, photos, graphics and text) is the property of ‘Healthy Ayurveda’ and ‘Vedic Sage’ and as such is protected by US and inte […]

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    All content included on this website (including, but not limited to,  images, photos, graphics and text) is the property of ‘Healthy Ayurveda’ and ‘Vedic Sage’ and as such is protected by US and inte […]

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    All content included on this website (including, but not limited to,  images, photos, graphics and text) is the property of ‘Healthy Ayurveda’ and ‘Vedic Sage’ and as such is protected by US and inte […]

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    All content included on this website (including, but not limited to,  images, photos, graphics and text) is the property of ‘Healthy Ayurveda’ and ‘Vedic Sage’ and as such is protected by US and inte […]


    All content included on this website (including, but not limited to,  images, photos, graphics and text) is the property of ‘Healthy Ayurveda’ and ‘Vedic Sage’ and as such is protected by US and […]

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    All content included on this website (including, but not limited to,  images, photos, graphics and text) is the property of ‘Healthy Ayurveda’ and ‘Vedic Sage’ and as such is protected by US and inte […]

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    All content included on this website (including, but not limited to,  images, photos, graphics and text) is the property of ‘Healthy Ayurveda’ and ‘Vedic Sage’ and as such is protected by US and inte […]

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    All content included on this website (including, but not limited to,  images, photos, graphics and text) is the property of ‘Healthy Ayurveda’ and ‘Vedic Sage’ and as such is protected by US and […]


    Beet The Heat
    By Deepika Dabhi

    Oh my goodness. Does it feel like the sun is following you for the last two days? Do you feel like you’re melting? As of few hours ago my phone sent a heat wave alert … s […]


    Ayurveda’s Finest: “Golden Milk”
    It’s to no surprise to that turmeric has fast become a popular remedy for just about everything that ails you. Traditionally, turmeric milk has been used for conditions su […]

    Ayurveda – From An Allopath’s Perspective
    By Dr Wasuki Upadhyaya MBBS MD(Ay-BHU)

    “Ayurveda” – this word brings in two types of thought-responses in the minds of allopathic doctors. One is, “a bunch of sub- […]

    Delicious & Wholesome Chutneys
    Chutneys do more than add taste to a meal. When used correctly, they can aid in digestion, kindle agni and promote health. There are numerous types of chutneys incorporating the […]

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