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Ayurvedic Churna

A Healthy Holiday Treat [Seviyan Kheer] – An Indian Dessert Recipe

  A Healthy Holiday Treat The holidays are just around the corner and it’s the perfect time to bond with family, friends, and loved ones. It is also the season to enjoy your favorite foods. Is it possible to enjoy the holiday treats without the guilt of gaining weight? Yes – just indulge sensibly and consider more healthy holiday options. In fact, holiday foods don’t have to be unhealthy. Consider for the holidays, a simple and delicious Indian dessert – “Seviyan Kheer” which is often made on religious and auspicious occasions. First – Digesting Our Holiday Experience … Nothing brings out the holiday spirit more than eating amongst friends and family in a joyous and pleasant manner. According to Ayurveda, the act of cooking and eating in a positive atmosp...