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Golden Milk

Ayurveda’s Finest: “Golden Milk” ~ Turmeric Milk

  Ayurveda’s Finest: “Golden Milk” It’s to no surprise to that turmeric has fast become a popular remedy for just about everything that ails you. Traditionally, turmeric milk has been used for conditions such as colds, congestion, headaches, and sore throats due to turmeric’s anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. What is more interesting is that Ayurveda [and other ancient systems of medicine] have used turmeric for health and wellness since for as long as historical records have existed. Makes 2 servings 1 1/2 teaspoons powdered turmeric 1/8 teaspoon each: nutmeg, coriander, cardamom, fennel, ginger, cinnamon, Chinese 5-spice, black pepper Pinch each: cloves, sea salt 1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon honey 1 teaspoon coconut oil 1 cup water 2 cups mi...

Turmeric “Golden” Milk ~ An Ayurvedic Elixir

Turmeric “Golden” Milk ~ An Ayurvedic Elixir It’s to no surprise to that turmeric has fast become a popular remedy for just about everything that ails you. Traditionally, turmeric milk has been used for conditions such as colds, congestion, headaches, and sore throats due to tumeric’s anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. What is more interesting is that Ayurveda [and other ancient systems of medicine] have used turmeric for health and wellness since for as long as historical records have existed.  Turmeric “Golden” Milk Is Extremely Simple To Make! – 1 cup of whole organic milk, preferably non-homogenized – 1/2 tsp of dried turmeric Turmeric – Helps Purify The Blood & Acts As An Antioxidant!! Turmeric is one of the oldest, most important spices k...