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Manda Agni

The Ayurveda Guide: Agni … You Are Only As Healthy As Your Agni

Disclaimer: All content included on this website (including, but not limited to,  images, photos, graphics and text) is the property of ‘Healthy Ayurveda’ and ‘Vedic Sage’ and as such is protected by US and international copyright and other intellectual property laws.      The Ayurveda Guide: Agni Charaka, the ancient seer of Ayurveda, states that “the individual is the epitome of the universe”. This implies that – that which exist in the vast eternal universe also appears within the inward cosmos of the human body. The entire universe is made from and these elements are referred to as “Panchamahabhutas” … translated as ‘The 5 Great Elements’; i.e. ether, air, fire, water and earth. The Principle Of Transformation: Fire is radiant energy and is active and changeable. It is the so...

How To Improve Your Digestion Naturally

  Improve Your Digestion Naturally ( Agni Tea. Photo by Emma Eckert www.radiantmoonchild.com ) In Ayurveda digestion is referred to as agni. Agni is your digestive fire and it is the first line of defense against illness. So tending to it properly is crucial to overall health. When you first light a fire, you don’t smother it with large logs, but slowly add kindling until it starts going. Then when it comes time to put it out, you let it burn out on its own. Digestion works in this same way. Ayurvedic Supplements For Digestion Good health depends on strong and efficient digestion. When you first wake up, you should begin your day with a lighter meal, slowly building up your agni. Then around noon, it should be working at its hottest. This is when you should eat your largest, hea...