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Natural Skin Moisturizers

Ayurveda Tips For Healthy Skin

Ayurveda Tips For Healthy Skin  Everyone wants to be beautiful. Yet throughout time, the concept of beauty has varied from various cultures around the world. It seems that all the teachings of Ayurveda are simply a means to remember the truth of who you are; you are inherently beautiful. One aspect of beauty that has remained consistent throughout time has been – good health. The ancient teachings of Ayurveda explain that beauty arises only after one has fully considered the foundation of good health; i.e. healthy digestion. Ancient Wisdom … “When the foundation of good health has been laid, by making the most of sunshine, fresh air, sleep, water, and food, it will be time to turn to the little details about the care of one’s complexion, hair, teeth, and nails.” – Vatyaya...