PITTA ~ 5 Sub-Doshas - Healthy Ayurveda

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Pitta Dosha

PITTA ~ 5 Sub-Doshas

PITTA ~ 5 Sub-Doshas

Pitta = Fire +Water

1. Pachaka Pitta:
The fire which digests things. It is located in the small intestine, governs the power of digestion, absorption and assimilation, and it’s the basis and support of all other forms of pitta. Pachaka pitta is often the first consideration in the management of pitta related conditions and is considered to be our primary source of heat as the digestive fire.

2. Ranjaka Pitta:
The fire that imparts color. It is located in the liver, spleen, stomach and small intestine, and gives color to the blood, bile and stool. It primarily resides in the blood and is involved in most liver disorders. Ranjaka pitta is also involved in the creation of red blood cells (RBC), so a dysfunction of Ranjaka may cause anemia.

3. Sadhaka Pitta
The fire that determines what is truth and what is reality. It is located in the brain and heart and allows us to accomplish the goals of the intellect, intelligence or ego, appreciation, self-esteem, confidence and courage. This also includes worldly goals of pleasure, wealth and prestige along with the spiritual goal of liberation. Sadhaka pitta also governs our mental energy, mental digestion (the digestion of ideas or beliefs) and our power of discrimination. Its development is emphasized in Yoga, particularly the Yoga of Knowledge.

4. Alochaka Pitta:
The fire that governs visual perception. It is located in the eyes and is responsible for the reception and digestion of light from the external world and also aids the acuity of the other senses.

5. Bhrajaka Pitta:
The fire that governs luster or complexion. It is located in the skin and maintains the complexion and color of skin. When aggravated, for example, it causes skin rashes or discoloration. Bhrajaka pitta also governs digestion of warmth or heat, which we experience through the skin.

• Ayurvedic Healing, a comprehensive guide, David Frawley.
• Secrets of the Pulse, Dr. Vasant Lad

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