The Five Sub-Doshas of Vata 1. Prana Vata ~ ‘Forward-moving air’ Primary air or nervous force. extends from the diaphragm to the throat, centered in the brain, governing inhalation and swallowing, as well as sneezing, spitting and belching; it is in charge of taking things like food, water and air into the system. It governs the senses, mind, heart and consciousness. It is our portion of cosmic life energy and directs all the other Vatas in the body. It determines our inspiration or positive spirit in life and connects us with our inner self. The term ‘Prana‘ is also used in a broader sense to indicate Vata in general, as all Vatas derive from it. 2. Udana Vata ~ ‘Upward-moving air’ Extends from the throat to the top of the head, located in the chest and...
THE BASICS FOR MANAGING KAPHA TYPES: When we think of kapha types we often think of loyal and compassionate individuals with a stable quality about them. This unique stability of kapha arises from the predominant elements of both water and earth which can also make kapha types vulnerable to cold, moist, slow and heavy characteristics. Therefore, management for kapha types is centered around: Warming Drying Lightening TASTES TO PACIFY KAPHA: Ayurveda describes an interesting relationship of taste and its influence upon the body. According to this philosophy, kapha types often are most balanced by pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes as these tastes are considered to be drying and lightening in nature with catabolic actions. KAPHA IN A NUTSHELL: slow digestion, weight gain, congestion, ede...
THE BASICS FOR MANAGING PITTA TYPES: The very first thing which should come to mind when thinking of pitta is the brilliant blaze of fire. Pitta types are hot, fiery, oily, and intense. Therefore, management for pitta types is centered around: Cooling Calming and Moderation HEALTHY DOSE OF LOVING COMPASSION: Since pitta types also have an inflammatory component, which is inherent to the element of fire, make sure to address pitta types with an extra dose of loving compassion. TASTES TO PACIFY PITTA: Ayurveda describes an interesting relationship of taste and its influence upon the body. According to this philosophy, pitta types often are most balanced by sweet, bitter and astringent tastes as these are considered to be cooling and pacifying. PITTA IN A NUTSHELL: intense, acidity, irritabil...
THE BASICS FOR MANAGING VATA TYPES: The management of vata types can be explained in just one word, “relax”. Vata individuals are made primarily of the air element and therefore, just like the wind, are always moving. Due to the ‘air’ element, vata types often experience cold, dry, light, and mobile qualities. Therefore, from a simple perspective, management for vata types is centered around principles of: – Warming – Moistening and – Weight promoting Ayurveda describes an interesting relationship of taste and its influence upon the body. According to this philosophy, vata types often are most balanced by sweet, sour and salty tastes. Interestingly, these tastes [sweet, sour and salty] are considered to be moistening and nutritive in action; the very management goals for ...