Chakras - The Reservoirs Of Consciousness - Healthy Ayurveda

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Chakras – The Reservoirs Of Consciousness


Chakras – The Reservoirs Of Consciousness
The ascent through the chakras can be viewed as an upward journey of consciousness refined by a process of awareness. Chakra is a Sanskrit word which literally translates into a spinning wheel. According to ancient traditions of yoga, there are seven major chakras in the body. In essence, chakras can be thought of as reservoirs of consciousness. The chakras are not physical and are to be understood as being situated, not in the gross body, but in the subtle or etheric body. That said, the chakras do appear to interact with the physical body mainly through two major systems, the endocrine and the nervous system.

Each chakra correlates to specific bodily ailments and physical dysfunctions. When we have a physical issue, it often creates a weaknesses in our emotional behavior. In fact, the chakras house both our mental and emotional tendencies. Therefore, it’s essential that the seven main chakras stay open, aligned, and free from blockage – so that energy can flow freely.

Interesting Video: Explanation Of Chakras & Kundalini 


1st Chakra Muladhara – Survival
Muladhara is the chakra of our basic needs; food, water, sex, etc. Food is required for energy and the end product of digestion is eliminated by the governing influence of the root muladhara chakra. Similarly, sex is considered the highest form of lower energy and it is muladhara chakra which governs our primal desire for sex.

Endocrine Correlation: Testes, Ovaries
Conditions: Estrogen & Progesterone Imbalances, Back Pain, Sciatica, etc.

“I am peaceful, protected, and secure.”


2nd Chakra Svadhisthana – Procreation
“Sva” means ‘Self’ and this second chakra fulfills the biological need for procreation. The influence of svadhisthana brings about the notion of sex not only from the lower primal or animalistic instinct but instead as an act of love, intimacy and affection.

Endocrine Correlation: Adrenal Glands
Conditions: Adrenal Fatigue, Urinary Dysfunction

“I am radiant, beautiful, and enjoy a healthy and passionate life.”


3rd Chakra Manipura – Power
When the basic needs of survival and sexual desire are fulfilled, the influence of the third chakra seeks to gain power. When the third chakra is balanced we often experience self-respect and when imbalanced feelings of exertion, excess control, and over assertion arise.

Endocrine Correlation: Pancreas
Conditions: Diabetes Mellitus, Metabolic Syndrome, etc.

“I am empowered and successful in all my ventures”


4th Chakra Anahata – Devotion, Love, & Trust
This chakra can be thought of as the center between the lower three and the higher three chakras. The lower three chakras are primal in nature and as mentioned above, are focused on survival, procreation and power. Anahata chakra is located near the heart and when balanced provides for the feelings of devotion, love, and trust. When imbalanced, feelings of loneliness, jealously, and anger may often arise.

Endocrine Correlation: Thymus Gland, Lymphatics
Conditions: Immunological Imbalances, Heart Disease, etc.

“Love is the answer to everything in life.”


5th Chakra Vishuddha – Communication
This chakra is located near the throat and provides for the expression of inner thoughts and feelings in the form of outer communication. When this chakra is balanced, self expression and communication is clear, concise and effortless. However, when imbalanced it becomes difficult to convey one’s true meaning and message.

Endocrine Correlation: Thyroid Gland, Parathyroid Gland
Conditions: Thyroid Dysfunction [Hypo & Hyperthyroidism]

“I always express myself clearly and truthfully.”


6th Chakra Ajna – Spiritual Eye
This chakra is significant because it is the center where three psychic energies [ida, pingala, sushumna] meet to form the “third eye. This chakra is located between the eyebrows and is the seat of concentration. When balanced, ajna chakra provides for increased sense of focus, clarity, and contemplation.

Endocrine Correlation: Pituitary Gland
Conditions: Pituitary Dysfunction & Endocrine Disturbances

I am in tune with divine universal wisdom.”


7th Chakra Sahasrara – Crown Chakra
Sahasrara chakra is located at the top of the head as the “crown chakra” and is associated with the pineal glad. From an esoteric perspective, this chakra when balanced is associated with the secretion of “soma” which is thought to bring about feelings of bliss and ecstasy. When this chakra is imbalanced, it’s thought to inhibit the secretion of “soma” from the pineal gland and as a result may lead to insomnia and  feelings of indecisiveness, irritability, and depression.

Endocrine Correlation: Pineal Gland
Conditions: Insomnia, Depression, Migraine Headaches

“I am complete, whole, and one.”

Ayurvedic Perspective On Selected Pathologies; Dr. Vasant Lad
2nd Edition Revised And Expanded, The Ayurvedic Press

This is strictly for educational purpose and not considered medical advice.

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