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Healthy Living With Ayurveda

Healthy Living With Ayurveda “Samadosha, samagnischa samadhatumala kriyaha prasanna atmenindriya manaha swasthya ityabhidheeyate” Acharya Susruta has described the features of a healthy person in the above quote. It follows that the doshas must be in equilibrium, the digestive fire must be in a balanced state and the tissues (dhatus) and malas (wastes) must work in a normal state. The sensory and motor organs and mind, atma must be also in a pleasant state. Such a person is called a healthy person or “Swastha”. Samadosha: The doshas that are present in the body and mind, namely vata, pitta and kapha, must be in a balanced state in order to keep a person healthy. When the balance of the doshas is disturbed, either aggravated or decreased (vitiated) it produces a state of Dosha V...

Ayurvedic Nutrition Tips For Autumn + Wilted Greens Lentil Soup Recipe

  Ayurvedic Nutrition Tips For Autumn Autumn brings shorter days, longer nights, and cooler weather which invites a new menu of seasonally appropriate foods – ultimately to keep the body well-balanced. Autumn is considered a transition period characteristic of being dry, light, cool, rough and windy – all which naturally increase vata conditions [i.e. dry skin, constipation, arthritis, stiffness of the joints, rheumatism]. Seasonal Considerations For Autumn: – eat warming, soothing, and easily digestible meals – eat foods which are primarily sweet, sour and salty in taste – drink warming herbal teas such as ginger, cinnamon and cardamom tea – keep warm and stay out of strong winds – do regular yoga, meditation, and pranayama breathing exercises Ayurvedic Recipe For “Tridos...

Takra [Buttermilk] – The Divine Healing Ayurvedic Digestive Drink

  The Divine Healing Digestive Drink Takra or buttermilk, is a liquid preparation prepared by continuously churning yogurt in water. This preparation increases your digestive power and is often used in many health conditions. Takra is considered beneficial for many G.I. conditions such as IBD and Crohn’s disease as well as poor digestion, hemorrhoids, tumors, edema, diarrhea, anemia, urinary diseases and many other health-related conditions. “He who uses takra daily does not suffer from diseases, and diseases cured by takra do not recur; just as amrita [divine nectar] is for the gods, takra is to humans.” – Bhavaprakasha Chpt 6.7 The Benefits Of Homemade: This type of buttermilk is not like the fermented buttermilk you often find in the stores. Likewise, the properties of regula...

“Ice Is Not So Nice” – Ancient Wisdom Regarding Ice

  “Ice Is Not So Nice”  We add it to beverages. We use it to chill food. We apply it topically and we use it in food, like smoothies. The question is, is ice the best for our health? In traditional Chinese medicine, ice is considered a “poison” when ingested. Ayurveda says the same. Why would these age-old medical systems say something against what so many of us have found great pleasure in? I mean, we use ice in smoothies, cocktails, chilled water with our meals and other similar instances. Why would ice be looked down upon? According to Ayurveda, ice is an astringent that causes vasoconstriction, or narrowing of the blood vessels. When we ingest ice, it enters into the cavern of the mouth, which has a direct relationship to important organs in the brain, such as the hypo...

Sitopaladi – The Sweet Cough Remedy

    Sitopaladi – The Sweet Cough Remedy Sitopaladi is an ayurvedic formulation made up of five main constituents. The name Sitopaladi indicates the sweet rock candy it contains. It works primarily as an expectorant and is therefore particularly beneficial during the seasonal changes that bring a rise in colds and flus. Sitopaladi also works as an antiasthmatic, febrifuge and a diaphoretic. It is therefore useful during shortness of breath and bronchitis as it helps to clear the congestion and allows prana to flow when it is obstructed by excess mucus and sputum. Clear Throat Clear Throat is a fast-acting formula that cools and soothes the throat, and aids in removing impurities from the respiratory system. Properties Sitopaladi is a light, oily herb and has a sweet, pungent...

Ayurvedic Home Remedies For A Sore Throat + Common Cold

Ayurvedic Home Remedies For A Sore Throat At one time or another almost everyone has had a sore throat. A sore throat is caused by irritation and inflammation of the throat and is most commonly due to a virus and to a lesser extent by bacteria. That said, if your sore throat lasts more than a few days or if it’s accompanied by fever, nausea, or abdominal pain, see a doctor. Bio-Immune Supports natural immunity; helps detoxify blood and promotes cellular regeneration Cold Weather Defense Supports the body’s natural defenses; helps remove toxins; useful as an all-season defense. Common Causes of Sore Throat Viral infection Bacterial infection Fungal infection Smoking Shouting Allergies   Catch It Early – Gargle!  In order to catch your sore throat early, consider a gargle with tur...