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Trikatu – The Digestive Herbal Formula

Trikatu – The Digestive Herbal Formula Trikatu is a formula combination of equal parts ginger, black pepper and pippali. The name trikatu means three peppers or the three pungents. It is a wonderful herb with strong digestive properties. It is particularly beneficial in kapha type disorders, such as, obesity, diabetes, asthma, coughing and congestion. It is a rejuvenative herb, especially regarding the lungs and also has carminative and diaphoretic properties. However, in cases with excess heat it is better avoided. It is also contraindicated in hyperacidity and pregnancy. When taken before food it will kindle appetite and after food it aids the digestive process. Trikatu Translating as “three pungents”, Trikatu contains the herbs pippali, ginger, and black pepper which i...

Ashwagandha Milk & Ghee – Strength Giving And Stamina Of A Horse

Ashwagandha Milk & Ghee – Strength Giving And Stamina Of A Horse Ashwagandha is a renowned ayurvedic herb that can act as both a tonic and a sedative. The name Ashwagandha translates to “smell of the horse” which refers to the fact that fresh Ashwagandha root smells of horse urine! However, this meaning also relates to the strength, vitality and vigor of the animal, all qualities which Ashwagandha itself imbibes. As a popular rejuvenate herb – Ashwagandha is also an aphrodisiac, a nervine and has galactagogue properties. It helps strengthen the reproductive system, and when used with shatavari can help relieve sexual debility.  In excess it can increase heat in the body and so its use must be carefully monitored. Properties: Ashwagandha is a light and oily herb and has a bi...


“Westerners live freely and think in structured ways,  while Easterners think freely and live in structured ways” – Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Seven Systems of Indian Philosophy [1] The modern Western model of education generally favors compartmentalized knowledge. After all, Spanish 101 is different from History 202, and what does allopathy have to do with homeopathy? While true from a certain viewpoint, this mindset ignores that the person studying them is the same, and that these subjects have to be assimilated into one consciousness. In many traditions with an unbroken link to the past, the person is the subject, and various disciplines, like ingredients in a stew, are introduced into their consciousness at appropriate times, slowly stirred in to make sure everything is well assimi...

10 Tips For A More Healthy Life With Ayurveda

10 Tips For A More Healthy Life With Ayurveda Ayurveda, the science of life, is more a way of life than a way to treat people. Prevention is far better than curing a disease according to Ayurveda. I will now share with you some tips that will help you lead a more healthier and better life. 1.  Have A Daily Routine Ayurveda suggests to have a daily routine and to stick with it. Sleeping and waking times are very crucial in Ayurveda. For example, the liver cleanses itself during the night (12 am to be exact) which during this time one should be fully asleep and is why Ayurveda recommends the time to sleep to be around 10 PM. Similarly, waking up should be around 6 AM. Eating at regular times should also be  adopted, this way the body and Agni (the digestive fire) work optimally and food will...

Follow The Journey From Yoga To Ayurveda – Discovering The Benefits Of Nasya

Discovering The Benefits Of Nasya She woke up in the morning feeling clogged in her nose. Food did not have taste for her and her head felt heavy. Easy way out was popping an antihistamine. This easily became a daily routine till she found yoga! Yoga was delightful but when it came to practicing pranayama (breath control), she was still limited. Slowly with time she learnt that the nose is the gateway to the brain and thereby it increases prana (life force) through breath. Life is Breathing – Breathing is Life  To be able to inhale and exhale through the nose is wonderful, we instantly calm down, get grounded especially if we notice the breath. Now imagine trying to inhale with a blocked nose. The flow of breathing is fragmented, creating tension. One of the methods of maintaining he...

Dinacharya – Daily Routine To Perfect Health [10 Important Tips]

Dinacharya – Daily Routine To Perfect Health Daily routine is a vital and integral part of our state of health. A routine that is followed with care and awareness with respect to our individual constitution and balance will bring many health benefits. In Ayurveda there are certain steps to starting the day, and whilst these can take up some time, they are valuable in their relation to boosting vitality. To help bring us in tune with nature, and rather our own intelligence, following a dinacharya [daily routine] is essential for establishing great health and regularizing our own biological clock. A proper morning routine can assist in digestion, absorption and assimilation as well as generating peace, discipline, happiness and longevity. It is important to assess any imbalances and yo...