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5 Health Tips For Winter Season – Balancing Vata Dosha

  5 Health Tips For Winter Season  Winter is the season when the earth’s energy withdrawls back into herself as nature slows down with cold, damp, and heavy qualities. Because of these cold qualities – many people experience signs and symptoms of vata aggravation [anxiety, insomnia,...

Gut Health & “Ama” [Toxins]

  Gut Health & “Ama” Over the course of a lifetime, we ingest roughly 50 tons of nutrients and our ability to properly digest these nutrients determines to a large extent the state of our health. “Ama” is a concept of Ayurveda which can be best understood as the accumulation of ...

Jyotish – Planetary Blessings & Mantras

Jyotish – Planetary Blessings & Mantras Jyotisha is derived from the Sanskrit language and means “light, heavenly body”. Therefore, jyotish [Vedic Astrology] is ‘the science of light’ and is a sophisticated science originating from the ancient Vedic traditions of India. Vedic astrology is ...

Nature’s Greatest Antioxidant

  Nature’s Greatest Antioxidant The continuous production of free radicals in the body is inescapable and living in the modern world is a recipe for free radicals. Free radicals are molecules [i.e. oxygen] that have lost an electron and therefore become very reactive, unstable, and damaging. Be...

How To Manage IBS Naturally

  How To Manage IBS Naturally For many people, the symptoms of IBS are so severe that they can’t even leave their home or have to plan their day-to-day activities around trips to the bathroom. There are nearly 60 million Americans who have disabling symptoms of IBS such as bloating, cramps, dia...

Is Arthritis Due To Gut Disturbance?

  Is Arthritis Due To Gut Disturbance? Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, is the most common form of arthritis and according to the CDC, over 52 million Americans have been told by a doctor that they have some form of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, or fibromyalgia...

Natural Ways To Manage Stress + Herbs To Enhance The Mind

Healthy & Natural Ways To Manage Stress Stress is inevitable and we all respond to stress differently as there’s no “one size fits all” solution to managing stress. It’s as if stress walks in and out of our lives on a regular basis and at times – walks all over us. Fortunately, the ancient...

Becoming Whole, Complete, & Perfect

Becoming Whole, Complete, & Perfect Ayurveda is based on the concept of balance. The primary goal of Ayurveda is to identify each person’s state of balance, determine where one may be imbalanced and ultimately provide the most personalized care one needs to experience perfect health; Body-Mind-S...

Vedic Astrology – A Quick Guide To Vedic Astrology

A Quick Guide To Vedic Astrology Jyotisha is derived from the Sanskrit language and means “light, heavenly body”. Therefore, jyotish [Vedic Astrology] is ‘the science of light’ and is a sophisticated science originating from the ancient Vedic traditions of India. Jyotish [Vedic Astrology...

5 Natural Ways To A Healthy Heart

5 Natural Ways To A Healthy Heart Heart disease is a complex disease process and it’s hard to overstate the impact that cardiovascular disease (CVD) has in the world. The likelihood that we will develop heart disease depends on numerous factors, including genetics, diet, lifestyle, and environment. ...

Aromatherapy – Essential Oils, Attars, & Incense

Aromatherapy – Essential Oils, Attars, & Incense We all know that pleasant smells are satisfying and delightful while nauseating smells irritate the mind. However, there is a growing body of research that points to the remarkable healing properties of essential oil. In fact, the ancient sc...

Health Benefits Of Tikta Ghrita [“Bitter Ghee”]

Health Benefits Of Tikta Ghrita Tikta Ghrita, often translated as “bitter ghee”, is clarified butter infused with some of the more powerful herbs that Ayurvedic medicine has to offer. “Tikta” refers to bitterness and ghrita or ghee is made by cooking butter until the oil separates from the milk soli...