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Herbs For Digestion

How To Overcome Fatigue & Tiredness [CFS & Adrenal Fatigue]

How To Overcome Fatigue & Tiredness We tend to blame fatigue on a “too-busy lifestyle” and much of the time we’re right. However, if you feel tired all the time, it’s not something to overlook. According to the CDC, chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS, is a debilitating and complex disorder characterized by profound fatigue that is not improved by bed rest and that may be worsened by physical or mental activity. About one million Americans suffer from CFS. The challenge with chronic fatigue and extreme tiredness is that its root cause can often be challenging to trace. Due to its complexity, doctors often recommend a battery of tests to rule out possible causes; i.e. thyroid conditions, sleep disorders, depression, anemia, etc.  However, the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda has a practical appr...

5 Simple Ways To Balance Kapha Dosha – Ancient Wisdom For Balance & Stability

  5 Simple Ways To Balance Kapha Dosha According to Ayurveda, there are three doshas called vata, pitta, and kapha. We can think of these three doshas as the guiding principles that keep all our bodily functions balanced and healthy. “Health results from the natural, balanced state of the doshas. Therefore, the wise try to keep them in their balanced state.” – Charak Samhita What Is Kapha Dosha?  Kapha, made up of the properties of earth and water, embodies structure and stability. Earth and water … slow, stable, down to earth, slow to anger, and easygoing! The Kapha-dominant take their sweet time, too. If you’ve heard the expression, “Slow and steady wins the race,” that’s a good example of Kapha. Kaphas may be slow to get going, but they are dependable and dedicated. At their health...

Gut Health & “Ama” [Toxins]

  Gut Health & “Ama” Over the course of a lifetime, we ingest roughly 50 tons of nutrients and our ability to properly digest these nutrients determines to a large extent the state of our health. “Ama” is a concept of Ayurveda which can be best understood as the accumulation of toxic metabolic by-products at various levels of physiology. More simply, ama is the by-product of poor digestion and according to the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda – ama is the root cause of nearly all diseases. Ayurveda states that proper diet and optimal digestion are the major pillars of good health. Similarly, optimal function of the GI tract requires proper mucosal integrity and a balanced microbial ecosystem in the gut. In essence, “gut health” relies on “good bacteria”. Any compromise...

Becoming Whole, Complete, & Perfect

Becoming Whole, Complete, & Perfect Ayurveda is based on the concept of balance. The primary goal of Ayurveda is to identify each person’s state of balance, determine where one may be imbalanced and ultimately provide the most personalized care one needs to experience perfect health; Body-Mind-Soul. Knowing nature to be whole, complete, and perfect – good health implies restoring health naturally to a state of balance. The first step in correcting any imbalance is becoming more aware of the underlying cause. According to Ayurveda, disease is caused by the overuse or misuse of the body, mind, and emotions. Essentially, misuse is doing anything against your personal nature and the ancient Ayurveda recognizes the unique needs of each individual. “Any treatment that attends only to t...