Making Homemade Ghee As a wife and mother, I am always on the lookout for wholesome and healthy food for my family. Having studied Ayurveda – a holistic science dating back thousands of years – I have been able to help bring some of that knowledge to the dinner table. However it is hard work! Finding the right types of foods and organic local products is a constant work in progress! So I decided to start simple. And I stuck with the basics. Oil! The basics of cooking usually start with some sort of oil or butter that the main dish is created in. This particular type of fat can affect the whole chemistry of the dish. It can bring health, a conglomeration of the foods together and not to mention taste to a whole other level. Since I have been personally raised on ghee and have been aware of ...
“Auspicious Ghee” – Making Ghee On A Full Moon Every thing around us has an effect on something within us. Everything in the Universe – the stars, planets, satellites, and even the moon have a certain frequency. For example, the frequency of the moon affects the mind and influences our feelings, emotions, and desires. In ancient times, it was common to make ghee as the moon developed into a full moon. This practice of making ghee on a full moon is considered auspicious because the moon is thought to influence “Soma” – the source of nourishment, nectar, and bliss. Soma is a Sanskrit term which is derived from the root word “su” which means ‘to energize, stimulate, expand, and grow’. “Soma is the nectar of immortality.” Soma is also called “amrita” which means nectar and is...