Sacred Rituals – The Daily Routine Within time and space we humans exist here on a planet surrounded by unspoken graceful poetic moments like when we witness the rise and setting sun, the moon waxing and waning on a crisp lucid night and a baby’s first steps. We are part of this eternal poetry where planets cycle around each other dancing in the sky and stars are birthed and reduced to ash after thousands of years. We are part of an infinite cosmos and within is exists a timeless inherent cosmic consciousness. Ayurveda takes all this into account as we traverse this terrain as spiritual beings in a human body. Ayurveda, known as the “Science of Life, Art of Living and Science of Longevity” invites us all to really look at ourselves as a configuration of the...
Holistic Ways To Improve Your Relationship Relationships can be challenging — there’s no arguing that one. From minor disagreements to seemingly insurmountable differences, keeping a partnership happy, healthy and mutually fulfilling takes commitment and work, but it’s certainly possible. Knowing your partner’s predominant dosha(s) and tendencies can help take much of the mystery (and dare I say frustration?) out of relationship woes. Knowledge allows for insight, and insight for patience and compassion. Vata Vata-dominant types are quick, creative and expressive. They are quick to learn, quick to forget, and may get cold easily. When in balance, they are stimulating company — they have amazing intellects. Out of balance, they can become stressed out, nervous, worried — a...
More than a mere system of treating illness, Ayurveda is a science of life. Ayurveda offers a body of wisdom designed to help people stay balanced and healthy. Ayurveda reminds us that health is the dynamic integration between our environment, body, mind, and spirit. Hey Kapha – “Get Up.” Kapha individuals are often the most compassionate people with much love, devotion, and loyalty. Kapha types seldom rebel and more often reflect the conservative, traditional, or conventional attitude in their behavior and beliefs. However, when kapha becomes imbalanced this can lead to attachment, laziness, and even depression. The Kapha Body Kapha individuals are usually shorter and more heavy or stocky in build. Kaphas have abundant thick hair with large white attractive teeth...
Healthy Living With Ayurveda “Samadosha, samagnischa samadhatumala kriyaha prasanna atmenindriya manaha swasthya ityabhidheeyate” Acharya Susruta has described the features of a healthy person in the above quote. It follows that the doshas must be in equilibrium, the digestive fire must be in a balanced state and the tissues (dhatus) and malas (wastes) must work in a normal state. The sensory and motor organs and mind, atma must be also in a pleasant state. Such a person is called a healthy person or “Swastha”. Samadosha: The doshas that are present in the body and mind, namely vata, pitta and kapha, must be in a balanced state in order to keep a person healthy. When the balance of the doshas is disturbed, either aggravated or decreased (vitiated) it produces a state of Dosha V...
The Three Phases Of Life Ayurveda relates the five elements to three phases of life — Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The five elements dance through time and space and become the biological medial terms of Ayurveda: Vata, made up of ether/space elements; Pitta, the combination of fire with water; and Kapha, comprised of water and earth. These three “doshas” are describing qualities, tendencies, characteristics and attributes relative to the phases we all go through. Kapha The first phase begins with Kapha, the “Spring Type.” We all begin in the womb, a womb of sorts, and this environment is very watery. We establish the solidity of earth known as immunity. This happens from in utero and until the onset of puberty — traditionally from birth and until 15. The word “kapha” means to grow, to cr...
Ayurveda & The Wisdom Of The Doshas According to the ancient teachings of Ayurveda, there are three doshas called vata, pitta, and kapha. We can think of these three doshas as the guiding principles that keep all our bodily functions balanced and healthy. “Health results from the natural, balanced state of the doshas. Therefore, the wise try to keep them in their balanced state.” – Charak Samhita The Wisdom Of The Doshas Each of the three doshas are present throughout the body. They govern our physiology and all activities of the body, mind, and emotions. Not only do the doshas govern our bodily functions but from a more truer perspective – they are the governing principles of Nature. The ancient science of Ayurveda understands the doshas as being a direct expression...