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One Thing We All Have In Common …

One Thing We All Have In Common …  One thing we all have in common is that we all want to be happy. How we imagine our happiness may differ from one to another. Interestingly, our thoughts form our character and if we want to be happy in life, we must ensure that we keep our brain happy and healthy. When we are relaxed and happy, we exist in a state where our body is significantly different biologically than when we are tense, angry, and sad. Dr. Deepak Chopra in Quantum Healing states, “to think is to practice brain chemistry.” In other words, every thought releases brain chemicals and thinking positive, happy, and joyful thoughts decreases cortisol and produces serotonin which creates a sense of well-being. The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda teaches that anyone can achieve this state o...

Nasya – The Pathway To Our Inner Pharmacy

  Nasya – The Pathway To Our Inner Pharmacy Breathing is so natural yet we hardly ever think about it. Interestingly, seventy percent of waste is eliminated through the lungs just by breathing. In his book, Breathing: The Master Key To Self-Healing, Dr. Andrew Weil comments on the importance of breathing on our overall health. He states, “improper breathing is a common cause of ill health. If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be to simply learn how to breath correctly. There’s no single more powerful or more simple daily practice to further your health and well-being than breathwork.” “The nose is the door to consciousness and the pathway to our inner pharmacy.” – Dr. Vasant Lad, Ayurvedic Physician Similarly, Ayurveda, explains that “p...

Marma Therapy – An Ancient Healing Science Of Ayurveda

  Marma Therapy – An Ancient Healing Science Of Ayurveda The word “Marma” literally means a tender full vital point, which is a conjugation of muscle, nerve, joint, bone, tendon, artery and vein either in combination of two, three etc., or all the above structures. The father of Surgery – Sushruthacharya, defines Marma as “Marayanthi ithi marma” – which means, that certain vital anatomical locations in the body, when injured shall become painful and cause malfunctioning of the local organs or even cause sudden death (marayanthi) of the individual.   “Vital Life Force” The actions of Marma are controlled by the Pranic Vayu (cosmic energy principle in human body). This Prana Vayu is essential to maintain the life or longevity of a person. Sushruthacharya in his tr...