Mars In Sagittarius: The Higher Self In Action - Healthy Ayurveda

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Mars In Sagittarius: The Higher Self In Action

Mars in Sagittarius: The Higher Self in Action

Mars In SagittariusThe fiery planet Mars can be understood as the force which provides support, strength and welfare in varying forms to all aspects of life and creation. Mars is known as Kuja in sanskrit which means the fair one, hinting at Mars passion towards fairness, honesty and truth.

Mars: Action, Energy, and Support
Mars is also referred to as Bhaumaya in sanskrit which notes Mars as being the son of the earth. Mars is also known as Mangalaya which translates as the auspicious one. Many astrologers consider Mars to be a malicious or malefic force, which basically means that it causes difficulty, negativity or challenges on the physical realm. Personally in my work as an astrologer I have observed and analyzed all the amazing value and benefit that Mars can provide to the universe, as well as each individual, and would not deem the divine Bhaumaya dark, malefic, or negative as a generalization. Kuja is a force that depending on its position and dignity can cause extremely positive empowering supportive results or intensely destructive effects.

When Mars aligns itself in high dignity, such as an exaltation or positioned in a friendly sign, it provides an incredible amount of strength, passion, intensity, courage and support to whichever areas of life it might be influencing. Contrarily, when Mars is debilitated, in enemy position or has heavily malefic aspects it removes this type of spiritual support and causes loss of strength and has often been known to encourage accidents, aggressiveness, violence, unkindness, dishonor and dishonesty. Mars when in a positive position can be of the greatest support towards physical and spiritual progress but when challenged can truly limit our potential for growth, especially on the spiritual plane.

“Strength, Passion, Intensity, Courage” 

Mars also represents both energy and action. Mars’ relationship to both energy and action is integral in the full realization of the awesomeness and power of The Divine Kujaya. If Mars does not provide the energy we need in our lives it will be impossible to accomplish everything one wishes to accomplish both on the physical and spiritual realm. In other words, if it was not for Mars providing the energy and support to the universe there would be no progression or advancement in life, as well as a lack of energy to investigate everything in life that the soul desires to investigate. Our curiosities would be left unfulfilled and unexplored. There is an intimate relationship between energy and action and if we do not have energy we cannot take any actions. Mars can be honored and appreciated for providing these things in a potent and fiery manner. It is because of this divine necessity for support, energy and action that Mars should be honored with great reverence, appreciation and respect.

Sagittarius: Directions Towards Our Highest Self 
Sagittarius is a sign which is ruled by the divine guru planet Jupiter and therefore carries very potent positive energy. Jupiter is considered the most beneficial planet overall by most astrologers and similarly Jupiter’s signs carry potent positive beneficial energies. One of the primary energies that comes out of Sagittarius is an alignment with our highest self. Sagittarius naturally seeks to elevate and expand our lower animal self with our highest spiritual self. A concrete way of understanding this concept is to relate it to the themes of values, character, ethics and morals. In other words every soul at the deepest of levels has an extremely profound ethical and moral code or character. This ethical and moral code is associated with profound values and lends to us reaching the highest potential within our character or identity.

Every single person on this earth has the potential to be in alignment with their highest version of their character or identity. Every single persona on this earth has the potential to be in alignment with an extremely profound ethical, and moral code. It is the divine auspicious sign of Sagittarius that allows us to align with our moral and ethical potential in this lifetime and therefore is deeply interconnected to our spiritual evolution in general. Sagittarius is the bhava, or energy, that reveals to us on the deepest of levels what our moral and ethical beliefs are; which values we emphasize and prioritize and our ability to align ourselves with this highest version of ourselves. Sagittarius not only reveals to us what our highest moral and ethical values are but creates the expansion and space that allows us to align to these ideals which resonate with us at the deepest of levels, at the level of the soul.

Another extremely potent energy relating to Sagittarius is striving for freedom and fairness in every aspect of life, especially relating to humanity. As mentioned above Sagittarius is attempting to align us with our highest self and this energy trickles down into what we find for the universe and Earth as well. Sagittarius wants humanity to be aligned with their highest potential; each human to be aligned with his or her positive spiritual potential. In order for humanity to be expand towards its full potential, the themes of freedom and fairness must be emphasized, prioritized and aligned with.

Therefore, Sagittarius also encourages a potent spiritual emphasis on striving for freedom and fairness in all aspects of our lives and wanting to see that freedom and fairness on a global scale as well. Sagittarius is a fire sign so it will encourage power and passion to these areas, supporting the fight for freedom and fairness which is pejoratively known as justice.

Mars and Jupiter: Symbiosis 
Mars and Jupiter have a divine and incredibly friendly relationship and are completely necessary towards each other. It is by its mere nature a symbiotic relationship and therefore each supports the other in a complete and wholesome way. Mars entered the Jupiter ruled sign of Sagittarius on September 18th 2016 and will remain in this auspicious alignment until November 1st 2016. The symbiotic relationship between Jupiter and Mars hints powerfully as to the favorable nature of the transit of Mars in Sagittarius. Jupiter represents our alignment to our highest self, which relates to Jupiter’s title of Guru, which in its natures represents a teacher or enlightened or realized individual.

Our alignment to our inner guru is based on a spiritual or divine knowledge or intuition. True knowledge and intuition are incredible aspects of life and without them there would be no ability to connect to our highest self or to even to understand what the higher self is or how it manifests. However, knowledge and spiritual intuition never become wisdom until that higher knowledge and intuition are put into action. It is Jupiter that helps create this higher knowledge and intuition, but it is the magnificent Mangalaya that creates wisdom through action. When our higher knowledge and intuition are embodied and put into action that is when it actually becomes wisdom. Truly what good is any knowledge of intuition if cannot be put into action? We have Mars to thank for this transformation of knowledge into Wisdom and it is this divine auspicious relationship that allows Mars transit in Sagittarius to be so favorable and auspicious.

“Now We Know. Now We Act.”

Sagittarius Aligns With Mars:
Sagittarius clearly reveals to us through intuition and knowledge what our highest moral and ethical character is, which values are the most important for our spiritual expansion and inherently what our highest character or identity is. When Mars entered Sagittarius it allows the highest ethical and moral caliber to be embodied and put into action. In other words, we may know what our highest moral and ethical values are, but we may not be able to embody these values and put them into action so they can support something other than ourselves. Many people on Earth carry around this mentality of “do what I say, not what I do.”

The reason for this is because while many people know what their morals and ethics are, they consistently fall short of their own standard. They may be learned or know intuitively what is right and what is wrong in their highest self, but still on a daily basis struggle with the ability to live life by their own intuition or knowledge. This is the perfect example of the adage “you are your own worst enemy” because to have knowledge or intuition but an inability to use it causes great destruction, sadness and suffering. It creates the space for what Ayurveda calls pragnaparada, known as a crime against wisdom.

A great example of how this type of energy manifest is someone may know they are an alcoholic and that drinking corrupts them morally, ethically and spiritually,but they might continue to drink because they don’t have the strength to quit or get the support they need. In the above example we have someone who has awareness that the alcohol is preventing an alignment with their spiritual growth and corrupting them morally, but nonetheless their daily use of it continues. Intuition or knowledge without action can be extremely painful and full of suffering and Mars’ transit in Sagittarius is the antidote to this destructive energy. Mars being in Sagittarius allows our higher moral and ethical knowledge and intuition to be embodied and put into action, therefore we become wiser, more realized and supportive beings.

Similarly we may have knowledge what is free, fair and just but due to inaction nothing is done to help create a more free, fair and just world. Mars in Sagittarius will allow us to take our knowledge of what is free, fair and just and put it into embodiment and action. In a sense, everyone becomes a freedom fighter seeking justice in the world and if aligned to their higher self will be able to create more justice, freedom and fairness in the world through their actions. Mars in Sagittarius is the alignment that allows for the complete transformation into our inner guru especially in terms of morals, as well as striving for freedom, fairness and justice in our lives and the world.

This is a highly auspicious time for allowing knowledge and intuition to become wisdom through action and it is with this wisdom we provide support for the entire universe. This is a very special time to be in gratitude that there is space to become our highest selves and through honoring these energies of putting the higher self into action the world, planet and universe becomes their highest selves as well.

Please Find Traditional Mars Mantra Here:

About The Author

Ksanati Newman
Ksanati Newman is Currently A Professional Vedic Astrologer Offering In-Depth, Thorough, and Comprehensive Jyotish Readings. Kṣaṇāti Can Be Reached on The Official Webpage JyotishAstrology.Org, The Official Facebook Page Kṣaṇāti Jyotish,
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Jyotish is The Ancient Vedic Science of Astrology. The Vedic Astrology Chart Shows Our Life’s Karma and Our Ability To Achieve The Vedic Four Aims of Life: Dharma (Destiny), Artha (Prosperity) , Kama (Fulfillment of Desire) , and Moksha (Liberation). Jyotish Readings are Built to Serve All These Aims which Reveal Our Soul’s Karma as Relates to Purpose, Destiny, Prosperity, Success, Security, Love, Family, Spirituality, Enlightenment, and Liberation.

Ksanati’s Readings are 90 Minutes and Includes Chart Overview and Analysis, Planetary Dasha Period Analysis, Fielding of Questions of Interest, Astro Cartography, and Planetary Remediation.

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