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Improve Digestion Naturally

How To Improve Your Digestion Naturally

  Improve Your Digestion Naturally ( Agni Tea. Photo by Emma Eckert www.radiantmoonchild.com ) In Ayurveda digestion is referred to as agni. Agni is your digestive fire and it is the first line of defense against illness. So tending to it properly is crucial to overall health. When you first light a fire, you don’t smother it with large logs, but slowly add kindling until it starts going. Then when it comes time to put it out, you let it burn out on its own. Digestion works in this same way. Ayurvedic Supplements For Digestion Good health depends on strong and efficient digestion. When you first wake up, you should begin your day with a lighter meal, slowly building up your agni. Then around noon, it should be working at its hottest. This is when you should eat your largest, hea...

5 Simple Ways To Balance Kapha Dosha – Ancient Wisdom For Balance & Stability

  5 Simple Ways To Balance Kapha Dosha According to Ayurveda, there are three doshas called vata, pitta, and kapha. We can think of these three doshas as the guiding principles that keep all our bodily functions balanced and healthy. “Health results from the natural, balanced state of the doshas. Therefore, the wise try to keep them in their balanced state.” – Charak Samhita What Is Kapha Dosha?  Kapha, made up of the properties of earth and water, embodies structure and stability. Earth and water … slow, stable, down to earth, slow to anger, and easygoing! The Kapha-dominant take their sweet time, too. If you’ve heard the expression, “Slow and steady wins the race,” that’s a good example of Kapha. Kaphas may be slow to get going, but they are dependable and dedicated. At their health...

How To Manage IBS Naturally

  How To Manage IBS Naturally For many people, the symptoms of IBS are so severe that they can’t even leave their home or have to plan their day-to-day activities around trips to the bathroom. There are nearly 60 million Americans who have disabling symptoms of IBS such as bloating, cramps, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain only to have it dismissed as a “functional” or “psychosomatic” disease; disease caused by the mind. According to Ayurveda, the symptoms of IBS resemble most of what was described many thousand of years ago – a condition called “grahani”. “Grahani” is considered the seat of digestive enzymes [“Agni”] and if impaired, can lead to altered intestinal motility. The predominant symptoms of IBS are alternating diarrhea and constipation accompanied by abdomi...

Natural Ways To Manage Stress + Herbs To Enhance The Mind

Healthy & Natural Ways To Manage Stress Stress is inevitable and we all respond to stress differently as there’s no “one size fits all” solution to managing stress. It’s as if stress walks in and out of our lives on a regular basis and at times – walks all over us. Fortunately, the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda identifies three important pillars of good health which are needed in order to achieve a state of wholeness and balance. Diet Sleep Lifestyle   Healthy Diet According to Ayurveda, perfect health begins with perfect digestion. Ayurveda speaks of the digestive fire (“Agni“), located in the stomach, as being the primary location where either health or disease begins. According to Ayurveda mostly all diseases start in the digestive system; this also includes the ...

Becoming Whole, Complete, & Perfect

Becoming Whole, Complete, & Perfect Ayurveda is based on the concept of balance. The primary goal of Ayurveda is to identify each person’s state of balance, determine where one may be imbalanced and ultimately provide the most personalized care one needs to experience perfect health; Body-Mind-Soul. Knowing nature to be whole, complete, and perfect – good health implies restoring health naturally to a state of balance. The first step in correcting any imbalance is becoming more aware of the underlying cause. According to Ayurveda, disease is caused by the overuse or misuse of the body, mind, and emotions. Essentially, misuse is doing anything against your personal nature and the ancient Ayurveda recognizes the unique needs of each individual. “Any treatment that attends only to t...

Reasons Why Not To Drink Cold Water – An Ayurvedic Perspective

  Why Not To Drink Cold Water Sit down in any restaurant and very often the first thing offered is a tall glass of ice cold water. The wisdom of Ayurveda considers ice cold water as a big no-no. Ayurveda considers optimal digestion as being the fundamental pillar of good health and explains further that drinking cold beverages actually extinguishes the digestive flame. In fact, drinking cold water especially with meals is actually considered to be a common cause of indigestion as we shall explain further. Your Sacred Digestive Flame The very act of eating is life-giving and optimizing digestion is a key principle in the science of Ayurveda. Many ancient cultures considered fire to be sacred. Fire represents the alchemical transformation of one thing into another. The science of Ayurve...

Nourishing Wisdom – Certain Foods To Never Combine

  Nourishing Wisdom The ancient science of Ayurveda flourished in a civilization vastly different from life today. Many thousands of years ago people were very connected to the great rhythms of life – the rhythmic cycle of seasons, day and night, life and death. That said, the wisdom of Ayurveda is still just as relevant today than ever before. Fortunately for us, the wise sages understood health as being dependent upon being in harmony with nature. Let us now discuss some of these teachings centered around food combining; more specifically – food incompatibities.   “How you eat is as important as what you eat.” – Dr. Vasant Lad, Ayurvedic Physician   Cultivating A Healthy Lifestyle Before discussing food incompatibilities it is important to also bring abou...

The Root Cause Of All Disease – An Ayurvedic Perspective + Practical Tips To Improve Digestion

The Root Cause Of All Disease Ever get that heavy feeling with unclear thinking and tiredness especially after a meal? According to the science of Ayurveda [“The Science Of Life”] this lack of vitality is often due to the formation of toxins [“ama”] – which arises due to poorly digested food material and is considerered unsuitable to the body. After all, if we eat food to gain energy – why then should we feel deprived of energy after the consumption food? The answer is quite simple as we shall see below. Respect Your Digestive Flame In most ancient cultures fire was revered because it provided light, warmth and the ability to cook food. In some cultures [i.e. vedic culture], fire is considered sacred as it represents the transformation between the mortal world and the heavens a...

The Six Tastes Of Food – An Ayurvedic Perspective + 5 Quick Tips For Digestion

The Six Tastes Of Food Have you ever wondered why when we are sick we often lose our sense of taste and even have a diminished appetite? The science of Ayurveda explains an interesting relationship between taste, appetite, and the power of digestion. Often we simply connect tastes and flavor with enjoyment value rather than connecting tastes with its corresponding therapeutic value. Ayurveda has a simple yet elegant explanation for all of this and even provides a correlation which considers the natural order of these six tastes and the corresponding stages of digestion, as we shall discuss below. The Six Tastes: Although food should most certainly should be flavorful and delightful – we should also consider the therapeutic effects which food has upon both the body and mind. The six t...


THE BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO AYURVEDA A Brief Introduction: “Hi. My Name Is” Welcome to one of the oldest medical systems known to mankind. I will be your guide on this journey and I will do my level best to help make this journey as enjoyable and educational as possible. Let me quickly introduce myself. I am Mike Dhaliwal, M.D. and for a long time i’ve had the passion to further explore and seek out life’s greatests secrets. At the same time, I’ve equally had the same passion for medical advacements such as stereotactic biopsy and resection of malignant brain lesions to extreme cases of emergently cracking open a patient’s chest in the E.R. for life-saving maneuvers such as cardiac massage and so much more.  I cannot lie, all this fascinates me. However, having been in the clinical setting for...

Sat Isabgol [Psyllium Husk] – For Optimal Digestive Function

Sat Isabgol –  For Optimal Digestive Function Sat Isabgol (Psyllium husk) is an efficient bulking agent which acts as both an antidiarrheal and a laxative. As it can be used in cases of constipation and diarrhea it has a strong affinity for the digestive and excretory systems. It is also known as Asva-Karna which means horse’s ear in Sanskrit – this refers to the seeds resemblance to a horse’s ear. Sat isabgol is an efficient herb for digestive issues, and as a gentle laxative, can even be used (cautiously) during pregnancy. Some of the many ayurvedic actions that Sat isabgol possesses include; alleviating dry coughs and ulcers, regulates blood sugar, and comprises anti-inflammatory, expectorant and anthelmintic properties. When the husk is soaked with milk, this creates a laxa...

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