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It’s International Yoga Day and Summer Solstice! Stay Cool with Coconut Oil

Happy 1st International Yoga Day!  It happens to fall on Summer Solstice. The celebration of Yoga Day usually includes some sun salutations or Surya Namaskar, 108 of them to be exact. With the sun being at its highest arc in the sky, even one Surya Namaskar can set the heart racing.  To make this International Yoga Day truly a celebration not a “heatabration”. Take the usual measures to stay cool and hydrated. Make sure you get plenty of electrolytes. Coconut Water is a good way to get hydrated and get some electrolytes while you are taking a break from today’s festivities. Using Coconut Oil internally and externally is also a great way to get the benefits of Coconut’s cooling powers. Here’s a little article we wrote that explains the Ayurvedic perspective of ...

If You Could Give Just One Piece Of Advice …

Health is a state of perfect balance. Āyurveda says that there is an integrative relationship between the body, mind, and consciousness. When the influences of the body, mind and senses are balanced and one begins to experience the sense of bliss and happiness only then is one thought to be in good health. I asked several highly respected individuals in the field of Āyurveda the following question, “If you could give just one piece of “ayurvedic” advice to the world, what would it be?”  The responses were intriguing … “Be happy and stay happy.” – Sanjay Pisharodi, M.D., Owner at Purnarogya Holistic Health Care   “Know your ‘sva’ (your unique blue print), agni (transformative principle in the body) and the power of prana and manas (mind) – live...

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