Chyawanprash - The Famous Ayurvedic Elixir - Healthy Ayurveda

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Herbs & Spices

Chyawanprash – The Famous Ayurvedic Elixir


Chyawanprash – The Ayurvedic Elixir
Long ago, sat in the forest an old wise sage named Chyawan. It has been said that the old wise sage had been sitting in mediation for such a long period of time that he eventually became covered with moss, twigs, leaves and branches. One day, a beautiful princess found herself joyfully singing through the forrest as she played a game while being blindfolded. Accidently, the beautiful princess’s hand had gently grazed the head of sage Chyawan. According to the rules of the kingdom – whomsoever the beautiful princess touches will be destined to be her husband as she was only to touch one man in her lifetime.

“Restore Youthfulness & Vitality”

How could such a beautiful princess marry an old man? Suprisingly, sage Chyawan agreed to marry the young princess; however he insisted several months of preparation. During these months of preparation sage Chyawan sought out a combination of herbs which would restore his youthfulness and vitality so that he might offer to his newly beloved wife many years of conjugal bliss and joy. After the several months of preparation the young beautiful princess had returned to marry the now handsome and youthful Chyawan. Due to the remarkable rejuvenating qualities of this formula – “Chyawanprash”, it has for thousands of years been esteemed as an Ayurvedic Elixir.

Amrit Kalash
Traditional ayurvedic formula of 13 herbs that supports the health of mind, brain, and nerves; increases vitality and inner strength; powerful antioxidant — research shows it to be up to 1,000 times more effective than vitamins C and E.


Chyawanprash is a remarkable tonic as it rebuilds not only the body but also helps to rejuvenate the sense of wellness within the mind. Chyawanprash is a unique a mixture of 35-37 powerful ayurvedic herbs [some say up to 49] with amla [indian goosberry; Emblica officinalis] being the base of this formulation. Chyawanprash is also found to be a potent immune enhancer, largely due to the high bioavailability of vitamin C from amalaki. In fact, Chyawanprash is thought to have as much as 30 times more vitamin C than an orange and is therefore helpful with strengthening the immune system.

Premium Amla Berry
Supports natural immunity; works as a powerful antioxidant for people of all ages.

Great Video On Amalaki – One Of The Main Ingredients in Chyawanprash

Because Organic Digest Tone contains three elixirs in one compound [including AMALAKI],
it is considered one of the most valuable herbal preparations in the world!!

Other Ingredients Of Chywanprash Include:
– ashwaganda
– pippali
– cardamom
– nutmeg
– cinnamon
– clarified butter and honey [as the base]
– plus so much more …

Other Benefits Of Chyawanprash Include

– increased immunity; antioxidant
– rejuvenative to all bodily tissues
– reproductive tonic; enhances fertility
– provides increased strength; “balya”
– helps alleviate cough
– helps with urinary disorders
– improves skin complexion

Special Note:
– often can be taken with milk to help carry this formulation to deeper tissue
– may also consider taking with almond milk for those avoiding dairy

The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained ayurvedic expert, call or e-mail us for the number of a physician in your area. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.

Photo credit: “Archana’s Blog”
Click: ‘Easy To Make Chyawanprash!‘

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