Health Benefits Of Ajmoda Celery has long been a staple on the list of superfoods and healthy snacks. It is abundant in our diet and is easily available. However, the celery seed is not as well-known ...
The Story Of Disease There’s a fascinating story I’ve heard that describes the “Summary of The Process of Disease Formation,” according to Ayurvedic Medicine. First, disease be...
Health Benefits Of Lemongrass Lemongrass or Bhutrna, which literally means “earth grass”, is an aromatic and flavorful herb which brings excitement and delight to many recipes worldwide. It is a stiff...
Absolute Health With Yoga By Priya Singh From the moment we begin to exist, our mind and body is absorbing sights, sounds, touch impressions, and emotions. Every single stimulus is recorded in our bra...
Saffron ~ The Gold Of Spices Saffron is a widely used and coveted herb. It is amongst one of the more expensive herbs on the market and its uses are extensive. The healing properties and healt...
Delicious & Wholesome “Diamond Dates” Ayurvedic remedies, whilst effective, can sometimes be less than joyful to consume. There is no denying the benefits of triphala or trikatu yet ta...
Saturn’s Transit In Sagittarius: Control Of Justice Regulation, Restriction, Constriction & Expansion Saturn is known as the great controller, and is symbolized as the spiritual force or ent...
The Healing Power Of Spices Five magic spices to help improve your respiratory and digestive health Eating all the wholesome and healthy foods in the world is of little value if your body is no...
Masala “Spiced” Chai … Winter is a time when nature’s energy withdraws back unto herself as nature’s many expressions begin to slow down. According to Ayurveda, a person is a...
Mars in Sagittarius: The Higher Self in Action The fiery planet Mars can be understood as the force which provides support, strength and welfare in varying forms to all aspects of life and creation. M...
Jupiter: The Guru Planet Jupiter is called Guru in Sanskrit, which means Teacher, and relates to Jupiter’s properties of wisdom, expansion, knowledge, and education. Jupiter is also known as Bri...
Making Health Happen There are ideals and there are realities when it comes to health. We almost all know how profoundly different our lives could be if we ate right, exercised regularly, and r...