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Are We More Than Just The Physical Body?

  Are We More Than Just The Physical Body? The science of Yoga and Ayurveda are not separate but rather an integrated study – a complete & total science. In fact, the science of Ayurveda was never meant to be fragmented just as ancient physicians were well versed in astrology and various other aspects of alchemy. The understanding of both Yoga and Ayurveda helps to better comprehend that life is made up of [multidimensional] realms. More simply, the mental, emotional, and spiritual realms comprise our human experience. At times, we mistakenly perceive ourselves as merely a physical body and other times we identify ourselves with random thoughts and/or feelings. However, the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda reveals that we exist within dimensional realms [of reality] governed by sh...

A Natural Approach To Heartburn & GERD

  A Natural Approach To Heartburn & GERD If we were to ask the average individual what is the cause for acid reflux – it’s very likely to get the response “there is too much stomach acid”. However, this may be entirely wrong. In fact, it is. The mainstream approach to treating heartburn and GERD often involves taking acid suppressing drugs such as “zantac”. However, not only do these drugs fail to address the underlying cause of heartburn and GERD, but they may be making the condition worse. The truth is that acid reflux and heart burn is actually not an excess acid problem but rather an issue of an incompetent lower esophageal sphincter [LES]. The LES is located at the bottom of the esophagus where the esophagus meets the entrance of the stomach. A properly functioning sphi...

“Prajnaparadha” – Is Ignorance The Root Cause Of All Disease?

  Is Ignorance The Root Cause Of All Disease? Man is a trinity of body, mind, and Soul and life as a whole is designed to promote human happiness, health, and growth. That said, the question naturally arises – what is the root cause of disease? According to Ayurveda, disease is often the end result of a long process and can actually be detected and addressed at the early stage of development; hence prevention being better than a cure. More simply, disease is an imbalance. Ayurveda explains that the disease process begins with disturbances in the balance of the doshas; i.e. bodily humors. “Health results from the natural, balanced state of the doshas. Therefore, the wise try to keep them in their balanced state.” – Charak Samhita   “Ignorance Is Not Bliss.” We email. We goog...

The Divine Demon Rahu – Transits Into Leo

The Divine Demon Rahu  The Divine Demon Rahu was known for his devout spiritual practice, but was rich in desire for both life, and sensory experience. Through his spiritual practice Rahu gained clarity as to where The Gods were drinking Amrit, the immortal nectar or celestial ambrosia, and saw an opportunity to impose as a God In order to drink the divine beverage. Quickly Surya The Sun and Chandra the moon alerted Vishnu the preserver of the universe of Rahu’s convoluted plans. Shortly thereafter Vishnu came down and threw his sharp disc in order to cut Rahu’s head off. At the same time that Rahu’s head was being cut off he tasted the Amrit and was granted Immortal dominion and empowered as two shadow planets, Rahu representing a top half with no body symbolizing Rahu&#...

The Breath, Poop & Weight Test

  The Breath, Poop & Weight Test It’s hard to be sexy when you’re sick. Though our noses are not nearly as sensitive as those of many animals, humans are still wired to sniff out when people are not well… and to avoid them. But the reverse is also true: radiant health is very attractive, to both men and women, and it make sense to cultivate it if for nothing else but to attract a quality partner. There is an aphorism that says: “The root of dharma, prosperity, enjoyment, and freedom is good health. Diseases take this away, as well as goodness and life itself.” This reminder of how important health is not only to love and romance, but practically every area of life comes from the āyurvedic author Charaka. Health stands as an asset and disease is a liability to achieving our goals, ...

Health Is Wholeness – Is Health Really Just The Absence Of Disease?

  Is Health Really Just The Absence Of Disease? The concept of health is so familiar that many of us never really give much thought about what it really means. The most common response to such a question is – “the absence of disease”. Is health really just the absence of disease? The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda sees each person as not being a set of parts, but as a whole and for one to be considered healthy – the body, mind, and consciousness must be balanced. More specifically, Sushruta the father of surgery and teacher of Ayurveda explained health as being when the digestive fire [“agni”] is balanced; the bodily humors [vata-pitta-kapha] are in equilibrium; the three waste products [urine, feces, and sweat] are eliminated properly; the senses function normally; and the bo...