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Reasons Why Not To Drink Cold Water – An Ayurvedic Perspective

  Why Not To Drink Cold Water Sit down in any restaurant and very often the first thing offered is a tall glass of ice cold water. The wisdom of Ayurveda considers ice cold water as a big no-no. Ayurveda considers optimal digestion as being the fundamental pillar of good health and explains further that drinking cold beverages actually extinguishes the digestive flame. In fact, drinking cold water especially with meals is actually considered to be a common cause of indigestion as we shall explain further. Your Sacred Digestive Flame The very act of eating is life-giving and optimizing digestion is a key principle in the science of Ayurveda. Many ancient cultures considered fire to be sacred. Fire represents the alchemical transformation of one thing into another. The science of Ayurve...

Simple Ways To Help Manage Anxiety With Ayurveda + Calming Almond Saffron Milk Recipe

  Simple Ways To Help Manage Anxiety The modern world is stressful. Lucky for us – the teachings of Ayurveda provides for simple and practical ways of developing inner calmness and an overall sense of well-being. In fact, the time-honored focus of Ayurveda is to create this very inner calmness and sense of well-being.   The Ancient Wisdom Of Ayurveda Anxiety is a subjective feeling characterized as an unpleasant state often associated with fear and nervous behaviors. From an Ayurvedic perspective, much of these symptoms [of anxiety] originate from vata aggravation. We can think of “vata” as being that movement which directs and drives all activities of the body and mind. If this movement, within the mind specifically, becomes imbalanced it can manifest and express itself as...

Food As Medicine – How Food Affects Your Mind – An Ayurvedic Perspective

How Food Affects Your Mind According to the teachings of Ayurveda food not only nourishes the body but also nourishes and affects the mind. Ayurveda has a very elegant way of explaining certain qualitites of the mind – namely, sattva [pure], rajas [dynamic], and tamas [stable/heavy] qualities of the mind. Qualities Of The Mind From the most fundamental perspective we can say that – mind is movement. The movement of thoughts, feelings, and emotions make up most of what we generally consider to be the mind. These three shifting qualities [sattva-rajas-tamas] of the mind are briefly described below. Sattva Sattva [pure] qualities of the mind are expressed mostly as love and compassion, righteousness, and often describes the kind of person who seeks after truth in life. Sattva indi...

Nourishing Wisdom – Certain Foods To Never Combine

  Nourishing Wisdom The ancient science of Ayurveda flourished in a civilization vastly different from life today. Many thousands of years ago people were very connected to the great rhythms of life – the rhythmic cycle of seasons, day and night, life and death. That said, the wisdom of Ayurveda is still just as relevant today than ever before. Fortunately for us, the wise sages understood health as being dependent upon being in harmony with nature. Let us now discuss some of these teachings centered around food combining; more specifically – food incompatibities.   “How you eat is as important as what you eat.” – Dr. Vasant Lad, Ayurvedic Physician   Cultivating A Healthy Lifestyle Before discussing food incompatibilities it is important to also bring abou...

Ayurvedic Management Of Psoriasis With Diet & Lifestyle

Ayurvedic Management Of Psoriasis When winter comes and snowfall hits, many people enjoy the season and it’s outdoor activities. Psoriasis patients however often experience a recurrence of the disease during mid-winter. Psoriasis is not only a seasonal disorder but a lifestyle disorder as well. Understanding Psoriasis The word psoriasis is derived from the Greek word “Psora” and “Iasis”. “Psora” means ‘itch’ or ‘scale’ and “Iasis” means ‘condition’. Psoriasis is an inflammatory disorder that affects the skin and nails. It is marked by patches of thick, red skin covered with silvery scales that occur primarily on the elbows, knees, lower back and scalp. Although not life-threatening, it can be painful and cause psychological and em...

What’s Your Dosha?

  What’s Your Dosha? If you have spent anytime in the Ayurveda and Yoga community you may have come across the term “Dosha”. The science of Ayurveda explains that the human body is a replica of the vast external universe and – “that” –  which is in the universe is also contained within the body. Although seemingly complex, let us simply discuss the concept of doshas keeping in mind that no single word can translate the exact meaning which the ancient texts have described many thousands of years ago.   Ancient Wisdom: “Vata, pitta and kapha move in the whole body producing good or ill effects upon the entire system according to their normal or provoked states. Their normal state is prakrti and thier abnormal state is vikrti.” – Charaka Samhita Ch. 17 Sutra ...