Chyawanprash – The Ayurvedic Elixir Long ago, sat in the forest an old wise sage named Chyawan. It has been said that the old wise sage had been sitting in mediation for such a long period of time that he eventually became covered with moss, twigs, leaves and branches. One day, a beautiful princess found herself joyfully singing through the forrest as she played a game while being blindfolded. Accidently, the beautiful princess’s hand had gently grazed the head of sage Chyawan. According to the rules of the kingdom – whomsoever the beautiful princess touches will be destined to be her husband as she was only to touch one man in her lifetime. “Restore Youthfulness & Vitality” How could such a beautiful princess marry an old man? Suprisingly, sage Chyawan a...
Ayurvedic Tips To Help Manage Heartburn Do you ever get that burning, stinging sensation rising from your stomach and chest to your throat? Of course you have. In fact, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Digestive Diseases, 60 million people experience heartburn at least once a month and 25 million experience these symptoms daily. Staggering! Basic Guidelines To Help Prevent Heartburn: – avoid spicy food – avoid fermented food and pickles – minimize intake of citrus and sour fruit – avoid overeating Easy Soothing Recipes EASY RECIPE #1 – 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel – 1 pinch of baking soda Simply mix these two ingredients and drink. This will help to provide immediate soothing effects upon the burning sensation common to acid r...
3 Tips For Healthy Living The ancient science of Ayurveda has described health to be a state of perfect balance. Likewise, it’s very intuitive to acknowledge that this state of health and balance is brought about by maintaining a certain lifestyle in accordance with nature. Cause And Effect Although the world seems to be more unpredictable by the day – we know that disease often does not just appear from nowhere. Commonly, before any of the obvious signs and symptoms of disease appear there are often more subtle expressions of disease which are present – yet, unfortunately overlooked. In the same manner, if we were to come across a tree in the forrest we know with certainty that there was once a seed and fertile ground for that seedling to sprout and come to full bloom. So true...
The Root Cause Of All Disease Ever get that heavy feeling with unclear thinking and tiredness especially after a meal? According to the science of Ayurveda [“The Science Of Life”] this lack of vitality is often due to the formation of toxins [“ama”] – which arises due to poorly digested food material and is considerered unsuitable to the body. After all, if we eat food to gain energy – why then should we feel deprived of energy after the consumption food? The answer is quite simple as we shall see below. Respect Your Digestive Flame In most ancient cultures fire was revered because it provided light, warmth and the ability to cook food. In some cultures [i.e. vedic culture], fire is considered sacred as it represents the transformation between the mortal world and the heavens a...
The Six Tastes Of Food Have you ever wondered why when we are sick we often lose our sense of taste and even have a diminished appetite? The science of Ayurveda explains an interesting relationship between taste, appetite, and the power of digestion. Often we simply connect tastes and flavor with enjoyment value rather than connecting tastes with its corresponding therapeutic value. Ayurveda has a simple yet elegant explanation for all of this and even provides a correlation which considers the natural order of these six tastes and the corresponding stages of digestion, as we shall discuss below. The Six Tastes: Although food should most certainly should be flavorful and delightful – we should also consider the therapeutic effects which food has upon both the body and mind. The six t...
THE BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO AYURVEDA A Brief Introduction: “Hi. My Name Is” Welcome to one of the oldest medical systems known to mankind. I will be your guide on this journey and I will do my level best to help make this journey as enjoyable and educational as possible. Let me quickly introduce myself. I am Mike Dhaliwal, M.D. and for a long time i’ve had the passion to further explore and seek out life’s greatests secrets. At the same time, I’ve equally had the same passion for medical advacements such as stereotactic biopsy and resection of malignant brain lesions to extreme cases of emergently cracking open a patient’s chest in the E.R. for life-saving maneuvers such as cardiac massage and so much more. I cannot lie, all this fascinates me. However, having been in the clinical setting for...