Are We More Than Just The Physical Body? The science of Yoga and Ayurveda are not separate but rather an integrated study – a complete & total science. In fact, the science of Ayurveda was never meant to be fragmented just as ancient physicians were well versed in astrology and vari...
A Natural Approach To Heartburn & GERD If we were to ask the average individual what is the cause for acid reflux – it’s very likely to get the response “there is too much stomach acid”. However, this may be entirely wrong. In fact, it is. The mainstream approach to treating heartbu...
Is Ignorance The Root Cause Of All Disease? Man is a trinity of body, mind, and Soul and life as a whole is designed to promote human happiness, health, and growth. That said, the question naturally arises – what is the root cause of disease? According to Ayurveda, disease is often the ...
The Divine Demon Rahu The Divine Demon Rahu was known for his devout spiritual practice, but was rich in desire for both life, and sensory experience. Through his spiritual practice Rahu gained clarity as to where The Gods were drinking Amrit, the immortal nectar or celestial ambrosia, and saw an o...
The Breath, Poop & Weight Test It’s hard to be sexy when you’re sick. Though our noses are not nearly as sensitive as those of many animals, humans are still wired to sniff out when people are not well… and to avoid them. But the reverse is also true: radiant health is very attractive, to...
Is Health Really Just The Absence Of Disease? The concept of health is so familiar that many of us never really give much thought about what it really means. The most common response to such a question is – “the absence of disease”. Is health really just the absence of disease? The anci...
Holistic Ways To Improve Your Relationship Relationships can be challenging — there’s no arguing that one. From minor disagreements to seemingly insurmountable differences, keeping a partnership happy, healthy and mutually fulfilling takes commitment and work, but it’s certainly possible...
7 Healthy Habits To Help Improve Your Life One of the factors on how well we age is not determined by our genes but how well we live. Don’t believe this statement? A study published by the British Medical Journal demonstrates that we can reduce the risk of having a stroke by 50% by doing four simple...
How To Overcome Fatigue & Tiredness We tend to blame fatigue on a “too-busy lifestyle” and much of the time we’re right. However, if you feel tired all the time, it’s not something to overlook. According to the CDC, chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS, is a debilitating and complex disorder charact...
How To Reduce Stress There is no event in life which is intrinsically stressful. However, stress by which we mean psychological stress may not be any more “real” than any other thought within the mind. Likewise, not all stress is considered equal and not all stress need be harmful. For examp...
Health Benefits Of Tulsi Tulsi or “Holy Basil” is revered as the holiest of all plants and is considered a manifestation of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. According to legend, “All-Pervading” Vishnu comforted Lakshmi that she will be born on earth as Tulsi, but only part of her will stay th...
5 Simple Ways To Balance Kapha Dosha According to Ayurveda, there are three doshas called vata, pitta, and kapha. We can think of these three doshas as the guiding principles that keep all our bodily functions balanced and healthy. “Health results from the natural, balanced state of the dosha...