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How To Improve Your Digestion Naturally

  Improve Your Digestion Naturally ( Agni Tea. Photo by Emma Eckert ) In Ayurveda digestion is referred to as agni. Agni is your digestive fire and it is the first line of defense against illness. So tending to it properly is crucial to overall health. When you first light a fire, you don’t smother it with large logs, but slowly add kindling until it starts going. Then when it comes time to put it out, you let it burn out on its own. Digestion works in this same way. Ayurvedic Supplements For Digestion Good health depends on strong and efficient digestion. When you first wake up, you should begin your day with a lighter meal, slowly building up your agni. Then around noon, it should be working at its hottest. This is when you should eat your largest, hea...

“Who Are You? “ Understanding the Prakruti / Vikruti Paradigm Of Ayurveda

  “Who are you? “  Understanding The Prakruti/Vikruti Paradigm Of Ayurveda By Sarah Devi Otto-­Combs Many of us have begun our forays into Ayurveda by reading various books and articles on the subject. This mode of learning can yield moments of great clarity and insight into who we each are as individuals, followed by confusion as we wade through the symptomatology attributed to various doshic imbalances. These “aha!” moments followed by “what?” are related to the foundational understanding of prakruti and vikruti that is necessary to fully understand the paradigm of Ayurvedic medicine and diagnosis. Are you new to Ayurveda?  Click Here To Learn More About Ayurveda & The Wisdom Of The Doshas To understand our unique constitution, we must first determine wha...

Turmeric & Other Natural Spices For Managing Diabetes

Turmeric & Other Natural Spices For  Diabetes  It seems that we as a community, are shifting towards natural remedies for many health concerns. This implies returning back to simplicity by improving our dietary intake and correcting our way of living rather than merely popping pills. Ayurveda is considered to be one of the oldest medical sciences known to mankind and is a science of correct living. Ayurvedic principles aim to provide instructions regarding food and lifestyle so that healthy individuals remain healthy and those with health challenges may improve their health. Turmeric Herbal Supplements Turmeric is one of the oldest, most important spices known to humankind. Health Benefits Of Turmeric – Dr. Josh Axe  Some of the main benefits include: 1. Anti-inflammatory which h...

Think Yourself Healthy & Happy

  Think Yourself Healthy & Happy We’ve all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” While this certainly has some truth in it, an even deeper level of examination reveals that we are what we think. For thousands of years the great Yogis and Vaidyas (Ayurvedic physicians) have observed the nature of the mind-body relationship. What they analyzed, understood, and taught was the direct, undeniable, interconnected matrix of our thought process creating either health or dis-ease. Fast forward approximately 5000 years to today…here we are in a fast-paced, technologically-driven, goal-oriented, productivity-based society; striving to get ahead, make more money, look younger and feel more relaxed. Stress has an impact on our well being, on our nervous system, blood pressure, and every sy...

Turmeric – The Holy, Auspicious & Natural Healer

  Turmeric – The Holy, Auspicious & Natural Healer You probably know Turmeric as the main spice in curry. In fact, Turmeric is a common spice found in almost every kitchen in many Asian countries like India. It has a warm, bitter taste and is frequently used to add color and flavor to curry. Amongst its countless roles, Turmeric is widely utilized in Ayurvedic Medicine in treating allergies, immune conditions, liver diseases and neurologic disorders. Turmeric contains the chemical curcumin. Curcumin and other chemicals in turmeric decrease swelling and reduce inflammation. Because of this, turmeric is developing quite a reputation for treating conditions that involve inflammation. In other words, we are just now beginning to understand why Turmeric has always been considered...

Ayurveda Tips For Healthy Skin

Ayurveda Tips For Healthy Skin  Everyone wants to be beautiful. Yet throughout time, the concept of beauty has varied from various cultures around the world. It seems that all the teachings of Ayurveda are simply a means to remember the truth of who you are; you are inherently beautiful. One aspect of beauty that has remained consistent throughout time has been – good health. The ancient teachings of Ayurveda explain that beauty arises only after one has fully considered the foundation of good health; i.e. healthy digestion. Ancient Wisdom … “When the foundation of good health has been laid, by making the most of sunshine, fresh air, sleep, water, and food, it will be time to turn to the little details about the care of one’s complexion, hair, teeth, and nails.” – Vatyaya...

Sacred Rituals – The Daily Routine [“Dinacharya”]

  Sacred Rituals – The Daily Routine Within time and space we humans exist here on a planet surrounded by unspoken graceful poetic moments like when we witness the rise and setting sun, the moon waxing and waning on a crisp lucid night and a baby’s first steps.  We are part of this eternal poetry where planets cycle around each other dancing in the sky and stars are birthed and reduced to ash after thousands of years. We are part of an infinite cosmos and within is exists a timeless inherent cosmic consciousness. Ayurveda takes all this into account as we traverse this terrain as spiritual beings in a human body.  Ayurveda, known as the “Science of Life, Art of Living and Science of Longevity” invites us all to really look at ourselves as a configuration of the...

The Social Media Detox – Yoga & Ayurveda Principles

  The Social Media Detox  By now, we are all aware that social media has a tremendous impact on our culture and the world-at-large. Social media has offered the wonderful opportunity for people to re-connect with their old friends and acquaintances. However, at the same time, has social media given us a false sense of connection? According to Cornell University professor, Steven Strogatz, social media sites can make it more difficult for us to distinguish between meaningful relationships we foster in the real world, and the numerous casual relationships formed through social media. By focusing so much of our time and energy on these somewhat less meaningful relationships, our most important connection, he fears, will weaken. “What’s on your mind?”, asks FB. We live in a world overrun ...

The Alchemy Of Bliss – “Soma”

The Alchemy Of Bliss –  “Soma”  We all want to be happy yet one of the most elusive questions which involves our day-to-day reality is “what does it mean to be happy?”. We also know that happiness is key for overall health and in one form or another we are all seeking it. Could it be that we are searching for happiness in all the wrong places? For many of us, happiness is in the next purchase – the bigger home, the nicer car, and the newer gadget. However, the teachings of Ayurveda explain that behind all these diverse pursuits is an aspiration for happiness at the core of our being. In other words, within each one of us resides a sense of bliss called “Ananda” which is lastingly satisfying, refreshing, and that which does not diminish nor die. Blissful Joy To help ...

Making Ghee On A Full Moon + Mantra For Immortality

“Auspicious Ghee” – Making Ghee On A Full Moon Every thing around us has an effect on something within us. Everything in the Universe – the stars, planets, satellites, and even the moon have a certain frequency. For example, the frequency of the moon affects the mind and influences our feelings, emotions, and desires. In ancient times, it was common to make ghee as the moon developed into a full moon. This practice of making ghee on a full moon is considered auspicious because the moon is thought to influence “Soma” – the source of nourishment, nectar, and bliss. Soma is a Sanskrit term which is derived from the root word “su” which means ‘to energize, stimulate, expand, and grow’. “Soma is the nectar of immortality.” Soma is also called “amrita” which means nectar and is...

The 5 Step Ayurveda Cleanse

  The 5 Step Ayurveda  Cleanse  Cleansing is perhaps the easiest, least expensive, and most important element of maintaining health. Health implies balance and research shows that the impact of good health on the quality of life is far-reaching, regardless of your age or sex. However, when impurities and toxins accumulate within the cells, the body as a whole suffers. Although, the health industry is a ‘disease and sickness’ industry – Ayurveda, on the other hand, is more than a mere system of treating illness. Instead, Ayurveda is a science of life which offers wisdom designed to help people stay healthy while realizing their full human potential. For example, Ayurveda provides guidelines on ideal daily and seasonal routines, i.e. “panchakarma”. “An ounce of prevention is...

Can Suppressing Natural Urges Cause Disease?

Can Suppressing Natural Urges Cause Disease?  Ayurveda is one of the oldest, most complete and amazing natural holistic systems of medicine in the world. It’s a fascinating science and art of living (Ayu=Life, Veda=Science.)  There are three primary biomedical terms of Ayurveda that are essential components of this system that allows us to navigate through our lives and our health. These three terms are Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which are derived from the composition of the five element theory; the five elements being Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space/Ether. In Ayurveda we categorize Vata, Pitta and Kapha into “biological humors” that are configured uniquely in each one of us and determines our physiological and psychological output. Vata Dosha Vata, is a Sanskrit term that ...