59 search results for "Anxiety"

Ashwagandha Milk & Ghee – Strength Giving And Stamina Of A Horse

Ashwagandha Milk & Ghee – Strength Giving And Stamina Of A Horse Ashwagandha is a renowned ayurvedic herb that can act as both a tonic and a sedative. The name Ashwagandha translates to “smell of the horse” which refers to the fact that fresh Ashwagandha root smells of horse urine! However, this meaning also relates to the strength, vitality and vigor of the animal, all qualities which A...

Follow The Journey From Yoga To Ayurveda – Discovering The Benefits Of Nasya

Discovering The Benefits Of Nasya She woke up in the morning feeling clogged in her nose. Food did not have taste for her and her head felt heavy. Easy way out was popping an antihistamine. This easily became a daily routine till she found yoga! Yoga was delightful but when it came to practicing pranayama (breath control), she was still limited. Slowly with time she learnt that the nose is the gat...

Purifying The Mind With Pratyahara ~ A Yoga & Ayurvedic Approach

The conscious withdrawal of the senses or pratyahara is thought to help purify the mind Just as a healthy body can resist toxins, a healthy mind can ward off the negative sensory influences around it. In today’s modern times, most people suffer from sensory overload from television, cell phones, radio, computers, newspapers, magazines and books.  Society functions on stimulation through the senses...

Female Health: Amenorrhea [cessation of menses] – An Ayurvedic Perspective

Female Health: Amenorrhea – An Ayurvedic Perspective Amenorrhea is a condition characterized by the absence of menstruation.  This disorder is of two types – Primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea. If a girl has not menstruated by age 16 it is referred to as primary amenorrhea and can continue indefinitely. Secondary amenorrhea is characterized by the absence of 2-3 periods in a row in ...

A Personal Look At Depression ~ An Ayurvedic Perspective

A Personal Look At Depression ~ An Ayurvedic Perspective “For underneath my tears and the hallow feelings is a deep intrinsic knowing that our sadness is always here to teach us something, to help us grow and lead us to a deeper evolution of ourselves. I know that once I have moved through the darkness, I will be very grateful for the lessons learned along the way. I’ve heard it said so many...

Energy Science ~ An Ayurvedic Perspective

Energy Science ~ An Ayurvedic Perspective  Would we think it to be unusual if someone who involved in a severe car accident would walk out of the ICU in a couple of days looking well? In the same way, would we think it unusual that someone with a chronic disease would clear their symptoms in a couple of months? When many of the various energy sciences are used, healing is elicited primarily by cor...

6 Practical Tips For Managing PMS ~ An Ayurvedic Perspective

Premenstrual syndrome is a common affliction in many women. According to Ayurveda having PMS is not a ‘normal’ occurrence – it usually implies that there is an imbalance in the body. A ‘normal’ menses experience should be without pain and mood swings. However, in today’s society of high pressure and activity it has become inevitable that most women are experiencing all kinds of symptoms. There are...

5 Tips For Healthy Living ~ An Ayurvedic Perspective

  “Shariram Satvam cha Aatma Trayam Atat Tridandvat” – Charak Samhita The physical body, mind and soul are the three pillars of the human architecture. The harmony of the body, mind and soul allows for a healthy life while any imbalance can shake the eqilibrium leading to various ailments. Dharma [Purpose], Artha [Wealth], Kama [Desire], and Moksha [Liberation] are the four fruits of hu...

Preventative Care With Ayurveda ― Prevention Better Than Cure

Ayurveda Is A Preventative Science. The main focus of Ayurveda is on health instead of disease. For this reason, maintaining health and preventing disease takes precedence over cure. Optimum health and vitality are achieved through the most appropriate diet to fit with one’s own individual body-mind constitution. Quite simply, we are formed by the food we eat and the things we do. By determining t...

VATA ~ Basic Management

THE BASICS FOR MANAGING VATA TYPES: The management of vata types can be explained in just one word, “relax”. Vata individuals are made primarily of the air element and therefore, just like the wind, are always moving. Due to the ‘air’ element, vata types often experience cold, dry, light, and mobile qualities. Therefore, from a simple perspective, management for vata types is centered around princ...

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