Energy Science ~ An Ayurvedic Perspective Would we think it to be unusual if someone who involved in a severe car accident would walk out of the ICU in a coupl...
Premenstrual syndrome is a common affliction in many women. According to Ayurveda having PMS is not a ‘normal’ occurrence – it usually implies that there is an ...
DIGESTION ~ THE CORNERSTONE OF HEALTH According to ayurveda, digestion is the cornerstone of health. Even further, ayurveda has long recognized the importance o...
The Gunas [Attributes] ~ An Ayurvedic Perspective In Ayurveda we say each Dravya [Matter] has gunas in it, or characteristics which distinguish it from all othe...
Prajnaparadha [Crime Against Wisdom] ~ An Ayurvedic Perspective We as humans are wonderful. We may not be perfect and that is perfectly okay. Often we make mist...
“Shariram Satvam cha Aatma Trayam Atat Tridandvat” – Charak Samhita The physical body, mind and soul are the three pillars of the human architectur...
MENTAL HEALTH ~ AN AYURVEDIC PERSPECTIVE According to the National Institute of Mental Health [NIH], major depression is one of the most common mental disorder...
SATTVIC MIND ~ EXCELLENCE OF THE MIND: Individuals having the excellence of mental faculties are characterized by good memory, devotion, gratefulness, wisdom, p...
WHAT IS BALANCE? The word balance brings about a mental image of equilibrium to both the mind and body. It often reflects a middle path in any aspect of life an...
Panchamaya Koshas ~ The Five Sheaths This knowledge is taken from Taittiriya Upanishad. It is said there, that our true nature is hidden from our perception bec...
Ayurvedic Perspective ~ 5 Cool Ways To Stay Cool This Summer Summer is here and for most, the arrival of this season marks the start of sweltering-hot weather. ...
Fasting Therapy ~ An Ayurvedic Perspective The word fasting though denotes complete abstinence from food, Ayurveda does not advocate complete abstinence in gene...