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The Divine Dance of Leo: Mercury’s Visit

The Divine Dance of Leo: Mercury’s Visit Simha: The Lion Sign The constellation Leo is called Simha in sanskrit, which translates to lion. Of all twelve signs in our galaxy, Leo is the only sign which is ruled by the Sun. The Sun is the king of the galaxy, much like the lion is the king of the jungle.  The sign of Leo embodies the shining powerful qualities of the Sun. One of the primary karmas or energies associated with Leo is to reach the full potential of whatever our soul’s direction or desire is.  In this sense, Leo encourages us to reach the full expression, or full potential of whatever our soul’s affinity, destiny, or dharma is.  Leo also has the primary energies of receiving attention, honor, and reputation which relate to the Sun’s brilliant power, strength, and brig...

Sustainability In Ayurveda: Essential Principles & Guidelines

  Sustainability In Ayurveda Essential Principles and Guidelines By Sarah Devi Otto­-Combs While words like “sustainability” and “Ayurveda” have become increasingly popular in recent years, there has been little conversation about what it really means to practice Ayurveda sustainably. As Ayurveda has taken hold in the West, there has been a corresponding surge in use of herbs from the Ayurvedic Apothecary. Aushadhis, or medicines, such as ashwagandha and triphala that were once foreign commodities are now commonplace and readily available in most cities in local co­ops and natural food stores. This in addition to the plethora of products available from India directly online has vastly changed the face of this market. While this has a been a boon for many reasons, there is a side of th...

Simple Ways To Stay Cool This Summer

  Simple Ways To Stay Cool This Summer Summer is nearly here and for most, the arrival of this season marks the start of sweltering-hot weather. Ayurveda describes the summer heat as being “pitta-aggravating” which implies provoking the fire element within. It’s intuitive that the basic goal during summer is to stay cool so here are a couple ways to help beat the summer heat from an ayurvedic perspective. Buy Organic Ghee Online – Organic Ghee Pearl Of Wisdom: During the hot summer season, you may have noticed that your digestion is not as strong. That being the case you may want to consider ghee to help improve digestion and to also help cool the body. “Ghee is a pitta pacifying substance that is useful in summer and bitter ghee (called tikta ghrita) is especially cooling, as i...

Sun and Venus in Taurus: Soul Celebration

Sun and Venus in Taurus: Soul Celebration It is that beautiful time of year when summer starts to settle in, the sun shines free of clouds, temperatures kindle and the nostalgia of summer takes hold. This transformation into the summer season has many themes and connotations which include love, nature and enjoyment of the beauty and pleasures of life. This seasonal shift is being encouraged and aligned astrologically in a incredibly potent, brilliant and tantric way. The Sun entered the Venus owned sign of Taurus on Sunday May 15 and will remain in Taurus until Tuesday June 14. Venus entered its own sign of Taurus on Friday May 20 and will remain in Taurus until Sunday June 12. In brief, the Sun and Venus will be in conjunction traveling in Taurus from May 20 to June 12.  This incredibly p...

An Ayurvedic Take On Constipation: The 5 F’s

An Ayurvedic Take On Constipation: The 5 F’s Constipation. It’s not something that we like to talk about typically. Unless, of course, you happen to find yourself in the world of Ayurveda, in which case elimination is a frequent topic of conversation. Why? Because digestion is at the center of Ayurveda’s understanding of health and wellness, and elimination gives us a very good gauge as to the quality of digestion. Ayurvedic Digestive Supplements You are only as healthy as your digestion!! What Is Constipation?  According to Allopathic (Western) Medicine, the definition of constipation is an adult who has not had a bowel movement in three days or a child who has not had a bowel movement in four days. In Ayurveda we refine that definition considerably and look for at least...

Āma – An Ayurvedic Perspective Of Indigestion

  Āma – An Ayurvedic Perspective Of Indigestion Ayurveda sees good digestion and its opposite, indigestion, as the foundation of wellness. When we’re digesting well, we’re keeping our internal environment balanced, well nourished, and relatively free from toxicity. When we’re not digesting well, and experiencing indigestion marked by symptoms like gas, acidity, bloating, constipation, or loose stools, it’s a signal that the body is not reacting well to the nourishment you’re providing it. Ayurvedic Digestive Supplements  Good health depends on strong, efficient digestion. Agni & Āma: From the Ayurvedic perspective on digestion there are two primary concepts to be familiar with: agni and āma. Agni in a general sense is the principle of transforma...

Ladies – Here Are 6 Ways To Have It All.

6 Ways To Have It All For many women today, it’s hard to find a moment to breathe, let alone take care of your health. Whether you’re working in the office or in the home, raising your children or caring for elderly parents — it’s a balancing act just to get through the day. Yet taking care of yourself and staying in balance mentally and physically is central to meeting all the demands of your family and career. “Women today have so many areas of life to attend to, it’s important that they set aside time to maintain their own health and happiness,” says Sankari Wegman, an Ayurvedic expert at The Raj Maharishi Ayurveda Health Spa in Fairfield, Iowa. A wife and mother of two young children, she herself juggles work, teaching and home life. Here she offers six simple suggestions from Maharish...

Ketu in Aquarius: Vibration of Ideal Transformation

Vibration of Ideal Transformation Ketu is a spiritual entity which relates to the South node of the moon. This force contains powerful metaphysical energies which are linked to the Soul’s spiritual path towards Moksha.  Moksha relates to enlightenment and liberation, both in this lifetime, and the next, as it prepares us for transformation at the time of death.  Ketu is a force in which one of the main karmas is to reorient and reorganize our lives to our highest spiritual frequency, to our highest mystical vibration, to an alignment with our dharma and to an alignment with our path towards liberation. Another one of Ketu’s main karmas is that it seeks to employ and express lessons through aligning our lives with our path towards Moksha or enlightenment, and it does that at all costs, ofte...

Don’t spray that! It’s Medicine! [Dandelions]

Don’t spray that! It’s Medicine!  Dandelions  Each spring, I witness the pesticide trucks arriving to spray down perfectly manicured lawns to rid them of the well-known ‘weed’, the Dandelion. Taraxacum officinale is a common meadow herb of the Asteraceae or sunflower family. There are about 100 species of dandelion, and all are beneficial. It is a native of Greece, but grows in temperate regions throughout the world.  The perennial dandelion grows freely wherever it can find a bit of earth and a place in the sun. Dandelion’s nutritive and medicinal qualities have been known for centuries. On a sunny, spring day, I find joy in locating a lovely patch of organic land and slowly gathering the bright, yellow beauties (with their leaves and roots) for my basket. Da...

An Integrated Approach To Inflammation & Immunity – From An Ayurvedic Perspective + Epigenetics & More!!

An Integrated Approach To Inflammation & Immunity  From An Ayurvedic Perspective  There has been a rising buzz in medical science around the learning of inflammation and epigenetic factors that contribute towards disease. In over a decade of practicing Ayurvedic Medicine and Advanced Yoga Therapy, I have noticed a trend where patients and students presenting (even sitting around randomly in public and observing the populace) with certain ailments such as bacterial infections, virus’, candida and cancers and other related imbalances seems to come down to the lowest common denominator being inflammation. Inflammation produces an acidic environment and an acidic environment creates inflammation in the body. In an acidic biosphere we create a foundation in which diseases are rooted in. Mod...

You Are Only As Healthy As Your “Agni”

  You Are Only As Healthy As Your Agni Agni is the fire of transformation. It is responsible for the digestion, absorption, assimilation, and transformation of what we take in (food and experiences) into energy. The well-known ayurved Dr. Lad, defines “Agni” as: Awareness Governing Nutritional Intelligence. Your agni can be balanced, too low, too high, or irregular. Ayurvedic Digestive Supplements You are only as healthy as your digestion!! What we feed the agni, and as David Frawley says, “Everything in the universe is food”, determines how our agni burns. Imbalanced agni can mean weakness, poor digestion, poor elimination, internal coldness, compromised immunity, fatigue, or generally a lack of bright, shiny, vitality. Balanced agni looks like strength, vital...

What The Heck Are Doshas & How Do We Keep Them Balanced?

  What The Heck Are Doshas?  Disease doesn’t just suddenly appear. After all, having good health for the most part is the result of developing a healthy lifestyle. Similarly, disease can be likened to a seed. If the seed is cultivated by unhealthy habits then the seed will soon manifest into a full-blown disease. According to Ayurveda, illness is often the result of a long process which can actually be detected during early stages and therefore can often be prevented. Also, from a holistic perspective, it’s important to determine the causative factors and resolve them rather than just suppressing the symptoms through medications. In order to do so, we must first investigate into possible causes from which diseases originate from and finally help to establish balance using basic princi...